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Metro closing down

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MANZINI –Metro Cash and Carry is reportedly closing down in Swaziland.

Though management is yet to issue an official statement on the position, The Times has gathered that operations stopped on Monday.

After over 30 years operating in the country, Metro Cash and Carry’s five wholesalers in Nhlangano, Tshaneni, Manzini and Mbabane ceased to operate.

Close to 100 employees stand to lose jobs and this includes employees of the Wholesale Liquor Warehouse, which is part of Metro.

According to inside sources, it is believed that this follows a decision by new management of the giant wholesalers in Africa to concentrate on shops in South Africa and outside.

Yesterday employees were found outside the premises of the two Metro Cash and Carry in Manzini and there were no customers as they last operated on Monday.

Those who were asked stated that they had been paid their terminal benefits after the involvement of officials from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and their union.

Employees who declined to have their names revealed as they were not supposed to talk to the media about this matter alleged that stock from two branches would be brought to Manzini.

"This is where our former employees have said they will sell all their stock before officially closing shop in the country," said the employees.

Metro’s Regional Manager in Swaziland, Robert Khumalo declined to comment on the matter stating that it was a sensitive issue that needed the Chief Executive Officer in South Africa.

"I am not the rightful person to talk about the matter, it is a very sensitive one and it needs the CEO in SA, please call him," he said.

Khumalo said his bosses in SA were preparing a media statement on what this publication wanted to know.

A call was made to Metro Cash and Carry headquarters but no comment was available by the time of going to print even though every time a call was made this reporter was told to leave his details. The last call was made at 8.30pm when the phone rang unanswered. In Nhlangano the situation was similar.


Laze lafa elihle kakhulu. More and more Swazis continue to lose their jobs. More and more problems in our familes. Lutfo's Asian investors are of no assistance -he has dismally failed his duties. Sibusiso's government of business unusual continues to do business unusual. Exhausting the rest we got. The AfDB will not give us anything come 1st July because we are not implementing the IMF's recommendation. Surely these were recommendations which we could implement or choose not to. Both options have consequences. You implement the recommendations you will stand a good chance to get the AfDB loan. On contrary your chances will be very slim. With other countries like Spain, Japan and others vying for bailouts, we will be the last to get anything.
Jun 22, 2011, 1:48 PM, Lobhoncela (Bhoncela@webmail.com)

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