Cops shoot Limkokwing student

MBABANE - A confrontation between police and Limkokwing students ended nastily as a student was shot in his right leg.
Exactly a week after the students clashed with police, they were once again involved in yet another fierce confrontation yesterday afternoon.
Sibonginkhosi Shabangu, a Design and Technology student, was shot with a rubber bullet which was lodged below the knee of his right leg.
According to eyewitnesses, Shabangu was shot at close range when the skirmish ensued yesterday at around 3pm.
He was rushed to Mbabane Government Hospital where the bullet was extracted and he was later discharged at around 6pm yesterday.
Sources alleged that Shabangu bled profusely after being shot leading to fellow students wrapping his wound with a scarf.
Last week’s clash between the police and the students led to the closure of the university which was supposed to reopen yesterday.
While the students were engaging the university’s administration to provide them with the necessary aiding technological gadgets, the students said they were stunned when they were told that they had to re-register to be admitted into the institution.
The re-registration was slated for yesterday and today. General Secretary of the Students Representative Council, Sibusiso Dludlu, said they heard of the registration matter through the media over the weekend.
He said they had hoped to return to class yesterday but were astonished when told to register again.
"We were still engaging the administration on the flexibility of the book allowance but we were shocked when told to register again," he said.
Police Deputy Public Relations Officer, Assistant Superintendent Stephen Dlamini confirmed that there was a confrontation between the students and police. Dlamini said they would receive a full report today from the police who were at the scene on what transpired.
When reached for comment the Campus Manager of the university, Zachariah Mthethwa, alleged that the confrontation was caused by a handful of students who tried to enter the institution forcefully.
Re-registration forms bar demands
MBABANE - The new re-registration forms of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology bars students from making any demands.
According to a copy of the registration form in possession of this publication, the students undertake not to demand learning materials such as laptops from the administration.
"Students do not have the prerogative to decide which books and other learning materials are necessary for the successful completion of any particular course," reads the new rule contained the registration form.
Akabencesi lowekunene. But the learners must learn 2 respect, police are there to protect the property
May 29, 2012, 7:09 AM, Njobeni
Students must learn to respect the police. bayakucondzisa wena wekunene
May 29, 2012, 7:59 AM, sandile (
Kute umuntfu lo deserve kudutjulwa akunendzaba how wrong you may be.Tinyatselo kufanele titsatfwe other wise sitophela.
May 29, 2012, 7:59 AM, careles
Police brutality, no need for shooting as the students were not shooting. Right and freedom of expression denial.
May 29, 2012, 9:11 AM, Ruit (
That's what they do best. When are these culprits going to be brought to book. A lot of damage has been done by these fellows but nothing is done. The list is long but not even once have we heard that he has been prisoned for his actions. Benta matsandza nje ngetimpilo tetfu. Hha selabuswa tinyoni nemembala.
May 29, 2012, 9:11 AM, Anonymous
Police brutality NO, what about students brutality to the police? Are they not human beings? Students must learn to address their issues in a good & professional way. Police must shoot in the air while being attacked until when? I was a student also, pupils takes a tissue to be an issue when they are tired of learning thus interrupting everyone. TAKE EDUCATION SERIOUS STUDENTS, ITS YOUR FUTURE.
May 29, 2012, 9:11 AM, cellular (
Its so unfortunate that a student was shot in a peaceful protest. Every Swazi has a right to participate in a peaceful protest as these rights are enshrined in the constitution!
May 29, 2012, 9:11 AM, boipelo (
Yebekunene, aseniyekele lokuvuna lamaphoyisa ladubula bantfu bulanti. Tibhamu atisito tekudubula bantfu lababanga umsindvo noma labangalaleli. Tibhamu tekudubula bantfu labayingoti ngengemuntfu lophetse sibhamu lofuna kudubula lomunye. Kantsi ema-water cannons ani nangabe bantfu labangafuni kusuka endleleni bayadubulwa? Kambe nami ngitsenge sami sibhamu ngidubule bantfu labangeva? Ngeke phela kube live leli!
May 29, 2012, 9:11 AM, Mgungu Mkhabela (
I think it us about time we civilians start shooting cops.
May 29, 2012, 2:29 PM, Sifiso Dlamini (
Its Swaziland again where police brutality is a culture and a norm to people who raise their grievances or concerns. So police are you happy now dat u served mandate of opression by your boss! go get letitalabhu!! concerned Swazi in JHB
May 29, 2012, 3:02 PM, skhulu lukhele (
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