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Health ministry to destroy expired ARVs, TB drugs

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MANZINI – The Ministry of Health is in the process of destroying expired medicine worth an undisclosed amount.


The medicine is kept at the Central Medical Stores in Matsapha.

By yesterday, the ministry’s employees were busy sorting out the medication in preparation for the destruction.


Principal Secretary Stephen Shongwe disclosed that this was a ‘normal’ exercise where the ministry took stock to determine which medicine expired and which is still worthy to be prescribed to patients.

Sources have informed the Times newspaper that the ministry, through a previous employee, ordered more medication than needed.


The medication to be destroyed, sources said, include antiretroviral (ARV) and tuberculosis (TB) drugs.

ARVs are used for treating HIV/AIDS.

Swaziland is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of HIV prevalence and also has a high rate of TB infections.


Shongwe, said authority would have to be sought before the medication is destroyed.

"Currently, what is happening is stock-taking, which is a normal exercise.

"After this process, we will know how much stock has expired. This is government property, so authority will have to be granted before we destroy them.


"An incinerator will also have to be on site for the destruction to happen. But the decisions will be made once the sorting of the stock is complete," the PS explained.



... govt does not overstock - Xaba



MBABANE - The Minister of Health Benedict Xaba said what was being destroyed was SteriTech Disinfectant Solution, which is used for sterilising dental equipment.



"This gives us the idea that Swazis do not go for dental check-ups. We have expanded our dental activities throughout the country but we need to encourage people to utilise dental services."

Xaba disputed that there was expired medication, instead, he said his ministry had now been able to limit overstocking.

"In the past we used to overstock and end up burning medication after it expired. But we have improved our purchasing processes as we are now able to determine how much stock is needed for every particular drug," he added.

Asked on the value of the SteriTech Solution to be destroyed, Xaba said: "The auditors are still on site, so the solution has not yet been costed."


In 2010 and the subsequent year, the kingdom suffered an acute shortage of drugs at the height of serious cash-flow problems as a result of the decline in its SACU receipts and the global economic downturn. The drugs shortage even led to HIV/AIDS groups taking to the streets demanding that government sort out the problem.

The protest action was led by, among others, the Swaziland Positive Living (SWAPOL), the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGAA) and the Swaziland National Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS (SWANNEPHA).





- It is very surprising that Govt destroys such medication. People are dying because there is no medication in hospitals and time and again H+ people have complained that there are no ARVs in hospitals. This is Swaziland for you!
April 16, 2013, 7:57 am, MAGEBA

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