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‘Are your prayers for sale Apostle Jeremiah?’

MBABANE – The League of Churches has questioned Apostle Jeremiah Dlamini if his prayers are for sale. This follows a story ran by this publication where...
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Cops called as Nhlambeni residents given free rice

NHLAMBENI – The police were called at Nhlambeni when a South African organisation donated 100 bags of rice to residents. The donation was suspected by some...
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Aspiring MPs furious

MBABANE – Aspiring Members of Parliament were yesterday outraged after they either did not appear or their names were wrongly spelt on the Elections and...
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The history of Swazi traditional warrior beads

Sir,Kindly publish my letter to the Times of Swaziland about the history of Swazi Traditional warrior beads (Simohlwane). Two traditionalists went to the Republic of...
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Start your own family

Sir,Young people should know that starting a family has its own advantages against remaining in a parental home until they are very old , When...
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Our constitution and culture are in conflict

Sir,I am really wondering if this country will reach the much talked about first world status. It’s amazing that the more we talk about it...
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Men have also been abused by women

Sir,Having bought my meat for roasting at this local shisa nyama, I go on to the heated plates to roast it. It is while I’m...
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NERCHA shares tips for winning bids

MBABANE – In an effort to assist local vendors make an intelligent to win bids, NERCHA hosted a training last week Wednesday at Mountain Inn. NERCHA...
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‘Our Time, Get Circumcised’ campaign launched

MBABANE – The Mini-stry of Health in collaboration with PSI- Swaziland has officially launched the circumcision campaign dubbed; “Our Time, Get Circumcised.” The launch took...
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22% of nominees are women

Women who have been nominated for parliament stand at 22 per cent of all nominated candidates. In the upcoming elections it means a maximum of...
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