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SPTC shutdown will ground SD – UK expert

MBABANE – An email supposedly from UK-based telecommunications expert Jeff Penberton warns that removing SPTC’s mobile component ‘will shut down’ the Corporation’s telephony system. SPTC is...
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Dad ‘blamed’ for Babongiwe’s disappearance

NGCULWINI – The father of missing Babongiwe Vilakati, Sifiso claims that residents believe he is responsible for the disappearance of his daughter. Vilakati, in an interview...
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2 more children reported missing

MANZINI – Two more children aged six and 13 years-old went missing at Ekudzeni and Mbhuleni respectively this week. The missing children have further created fear...
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Killing our children

Comment As we all hold our breath in prayer hoping that missing Babongiwe Vilakati is found alive and also trying to come to terms with yet...
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Safety in our schools

There are three safe places for children; home, school and church. However, the increasing number of cases of violence and abuse against children at these...
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A silent killer getting louder

Ovarian cancer is a stealthy enemy but  you can outsmart it by caring for your body and spotting the ambiguous danger signs. Ovarian cancer is...
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Divorce - a Hot Potato for Believers and Atheists Alike

Reading articles from the press addressing this topic from authorities, human rights activists and Christians including pastors, I couldn’t help but feel a sense loss...
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Will our elections be free and fair?

Sir,Are we Swazis on the right track towards democracy? Some say we are while others say we are not. So who is right and who...
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Disability is not an excuse

Sir,Kindly publish my letter in your widely read newspaper. I would like to say thumbs up to all people living with disabilities, who do not...
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Protecting your mobile phone from thieves

Sir,I am not in any way attempting to be an instant path-finder in On-line Technology. Neither do I want to make or send a shiver of...
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