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MBABANE – Kukhanya Civil Engineering Contractors (PTY) Ltd are faced with another headache as they have been dragged to court yet again by two companies.

The companies, Alternative Energy and Umoba (PTY) Limited, are demanding payment of a combined sum of over E2.7 million.
Alternative Energy is demanding payment of E2 360 014.17 from the company.

In their combined summons, the company alleged in Claim A that in October 2015, they concluded a written sub contract agreement for the supply and installation of electrical works to the Nhlangano Health Centre;s Maternity Wing.
These are allegations whose veracity is yet to be tested in a court of law.


Alternative Energy was allegedly represented by Tasmia Young in her capacity as director and Edward Dlamini was duly authorised by Kukhanya. It was allegedly agreed that the contract price would be E2 679 770.33 payable to Alternative Energy by Kukhanya.
The works would commence on October 19, 2015 and be completed on July 1, 2016. The company which is now seeking relief from court alleges that it issued its invoice which was approved for payment by Kukhanya.

It was alleged that Kukhanya had to date only paid Alternative Energy E1 558 800.16, leaving the balance of E1 117 970.17 owing.
It was alleged that despite demand, Kukhanya failed, neglected or refused to pay Alternative Energy.

In Claim B, Alternative Energy alleged that on December 15, 2015 they entered into a written sub contract agreement for the supply, installation and testing of electrical services at the Matsaneni Health Centre’s Maternity Wing and Waiting Home.
The terms of agreement were that the contract price would be E2 679 004.74. the works were to commence on January 21, 2016 and completed on August 26, 2016.

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