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MANZINI - “The Swaziland Construction Association (SCA) board must be dissolved.”

This was the instruction of concerned Swaziland contractors during their meeting which was held at The George Hotel last Tuesday.
The contractors resolved that after addressing the issues of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) draft regulations, they would deal with SCA.

The contractors took this resolution after it was revealed that SCA was currently liquidating because it was registered as a company instead of an association.
One of the concerned contractors said they want the board out of office because they were doing things as if they (contractors) do not exist.

“We will replace them with a people who have our interest at heart.”
The contractor said they need to clarify who was SCA in order to know who they were. He highlighted that their biggest challenge was that the association was registered as a company, which meant that there were people who own it yet it was supposed to be a non profit organisation.

The meeting which was chaired by Maurice Du-Pont agreed that, they need a committee that would represent them even in CIC. They even made an example that if the people in the committee had their interests at heart, they would not be debating about the CIC draft regulations as contractors as it was the work of the association.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time the concerned Swaziland contractors publicly say that they want the SCA committee out of office as they did in 2017. The reason was that they felt it does not have their interests at heart.

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