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‘I have no time’ is a phrase used by many in their attempt to justify to themselves that they are incapable of fitting this or that into their routine.

The quote ‘To many people, an excuse is better than an achievement because an achievement, no matter how great, leaves you having to prove yourself again in the future but an excuse can last for life’ comes to mind whenever I hear people say they have no time. As a jogger, people often vocalize their desire to join me or to do as much as I do daily and I realised many would do it once and then stop. But if they stop they would of course run the risk of being accused of having no consistency in their lives. It has now been proved beyond doubt that not only does one give off endorphins when running/jogging or doing any form of physical exercise, but one also activates cannabinoid receptors resulting in one getting the same feeling as when one takes marijuana. This is the reason one often hears people speak about ‘runner’s high’.

However one can take too much marijuana but when the body produces it, it inevitably always produces exactly the required amount resulting in one becoming more focused and, therefore, being more productive. One is then able to fit in so much more into a day, compared to those who do not exercise. The mind is also much sharper and spontaneous reactions greatly increase besides the fact that diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, obesity, depression and other mental illnesses would all become something of the past. Also because one feels vibrant the tendency is to be upbeat and, therefore, not be drained by negative thoughts, deeds by others and emotions. When one realises these benefits, one wonders why more people do not ‘make time’, especially since we have to live life mindfully realising that opportunities are only seen by those who are fully present in the moment. Absence of mind leads to one losing out on so much. Determination is one of the keys to success. Action is consistently required if one is to achieve anything in life.

You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to people like Mother Teresa, Michelangelo, Einstein, Jefferson and so many others who made huge differences in the world. When we operate with enthusiasm until it becomes a habit, we do not run out of passion and energy to pursue our dreams. Indeed I believe in setting huge goals so I learn from the little failures along the way instead of just having one big failure. When something becomes important enough to one, one will always make the time especially if one daily feels guilty about being irrational, short tempered and downright nasty to those who love one so much and tolerate one even with all of one’s shortcomings! Love yourself enough to start taking care of yourself. (For the full article go to www.inalda.co.sz)

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