MBABANE – In the month of June, unregistered customers of MTN Eswatini will have pre-emptive disruption.
They will have at least one disruption during the month.
The organisation’s Corporate Affairs Manager Mandla Luphondvo explained that pre-emptive disruption referred to service interruption used to give an unregistered customer the experience, on a limited scale, of what it would be like once their SIM card was switched off the MTN network.
“This is done to make the customer conscious of the significance of registering their SIM cards in compliance with the law.
“While pre-emptive disruption comes at a cost to MTN, it will be even much more expensive when a customer is lost utterly due to an unregistered SIM card. This, therefore, makes it important to remind them that they still can register, and remain connected to the world,” he added.
On another note, Luphondvo said following a notable ‘slow-down’ in the ongoing VELA SIM registration exercise, the MTN Bushfire Festival weekend seemed to have caused a spike in the number of SIM cards registered from May 23 to May 26.
He said a total of 4658 SIM cards were successfully registered in compliance with the SIM Registration Regulation Act of 2016.
Overall, he added that there had been an improvement of 5 602 in the total number of SIM cards registered from 813 207 last week to 818 809 at the start of this week.
“To stimulate uptake, MTN Eswatini had specifically designed a package for tourists, which made it easy for them to connect, and keep in touch with their friends and families during the festival.
“MTN Eswatini had strategically positioned connecting points mostly through kiosks which made services readily available, including Mobile Money top-up points,” he said.
The Corporate Affairs manager said MTN Eswatini would continue to register SIM cards until the end of June, and therefore encourages customers who have either not registered at all, or are partially registered, to take advantage of this window, made possible by Eswatini Communication Commission, to finalise the registration of their SIM cards.
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