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MBABANE – In a move to continue investing in infrastructure development, government is borrowing about E1.1 billion from the African Development Bank (AfDB), to fund two different projects.

The projects that would be funded are the Manzini Water Supply and Sanitation Project and the development of Manzini Golf Course Interchange. For the Manzini Water Supply and Sanitation Project, government is borrowing E720 million and about E420 million for the development of the Manzini Golf Course.
Interestingly, part of the E420 million for the development of the Manzini Golf Course Interchange will fund detailed designs for the Swazi Link (Sidvokodvo – Phuzumoya) which shall be executed by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. In his maiden budget speech, Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg said E252 million was set aside  for the Manzini Golf Course Interchange. And if this is anything to go by, it means half the detailed designs of the Swazi Link designs will cost over E200 million.

infrastructure projects

The minister also said E947 million was budgeted for four road infrastructure projects.
According to 2018/19 government budget estimates, E947 million was budgeted for four road infrastructure projects.
Another is the Manzini-Mphandze (MR3 Lot 1) road where E132 million local funds and E239 million loan funds have been allocated for the construction as well as compensating those residents whose properties have been affected by the project.

There is also the Mphandze-Mbadlane (MR3 Lot2) road where E100 million local funds have been allocated for the road’s construction and compensation of affected residents.
The fourth project is the Sikhuphe-Hlane road, where E91.727 million has been allocated for construction works. All these four projects are connected to the KMIII road network.

Rijkenberg, in his budget speech, said government had invested immensely in the development and improvement of the country’s road infrastructure over the last 20 years. “By the end of 2017, the paved road network in the country accounted for just about 40 per cent of the total planned road network. However, the lack of a consistent mechanism for maintenance has led to the level of disrepair in most of the roads becoming unbearable. The budget allocates E947 million for construction and road maintenance,” the minister said yesterday.

Meanwhile, other road infrastructure projects were deferred and these include: the resealing of the Mbabane-Manzini highway; design review, supervision and construction of Nhlangano-Sicunusa road; construction of the Bulembu-Pigg’s Peak-Maguga road; and feasibility study for the Motshane-Matsamo road. 

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