MBABANE - Crime Stop Security (Pty) Ltd has filed a notice of motion at the High Court of Eswatini requesting it to direct or authorise Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd to pay the sum of E288 000 allegedly owed to them.
They also requested the High Court of Eswatini to direct or authorise Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd to withhold the payment of sum E187 885.62 or any money due and payable to Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd by Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) pending the finalisation of their matter.
In the event that the above mentioned sums have been paid out to Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd, Crime Stop Security (Pty) Ltd want the High Court of Eswatini to interdict Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd from dissipating the sum of E400 000 from its bank accounts held at Standard Bank, to be kept as security for the claim instituted. Crime Stop Security (Pty) Ltd are the applicants in the matter, Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd is the 1st respondent while Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) is the 2nd respondent.The respondents in the matter are yet to respond to the allegations made by the applicant.
The applicant said in November 2018, the first respondent engaged them for the provision of seven security guards at Mkhuzweni site, Malkerns site and Siphocosini site, sites belonging to Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd. Crime Stop Security (Pty) Ltd said the service fee was fixed at E3 980 per guard, per month. “The first respondent breached the terms thereof by failing to pay us for the services rendered. As at the 25th September 2021 the amount due and owing was fixed at E187 885.62,” mentions Crime Stop Security (Pty) Ltd in the founding affidavit. The applicant said in an attempt to recover the monies owed as at September 2021, they issued summons under the High Court of Eswatini.
They said following the summons, a meeting was convened around February 2022 between all parties’ mentions in the matter. “Hancy Construction (Pty) Ltd then instructed Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) to make direct payment to us for the sum of E288 000,” said the applicant. The applicant also mentioned that due to procurement procedures, they learned that EEC would not be able to pay them directly unless it was a court order. Crime Stop Security (Pty) Ltd outlined that, it is on this basis that they have approached the High Court of Eswatini seeking the order. The applicant added that to date, the amount owed with regard to security services provided to the first respondent is E366 984.86. The applicant also wants the High Court of Eswatini to withhold the payment of E187 885.62 from EEC to the first respondent pending the finalisation of the action proceeding.
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