MBABANE – Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd has been enlisted as the best evaluated tenderer for an Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC) tender.
This was revealed by the Eswatini Public Procurement Regulatory Agency (ESPPRA) in their website. The notification of award of contract for the company was published yesterday and they are expected to begin executing it after a period of 10 working days, should it not be contested.
According to the regulatory agency, EEC was looking for a contractor to construct three new 20MVA 132/11kV substations at Hluthi, Matsanjeni and Lavumisa, 132kV Bay extension at existing Nhlangano II substation) for Network Reinforcement, a project financed the World Bank. Construction of 132/11kV substations, at Hluthi, Matsanjeni and Lavumisa and extension of 132kV Line Bay at Nhlangano-II existing substation. The proposed contract price for the tender was E245 778 328.06 Worth noting, the tender was non-exclusive, bids were open to both local and international companies.
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