MBABANE – Entrepreneurs are presented with an opportunity to own office and workshop items that are in good condition.
Duly instructed by various clients, Rexy Investments (Pty) Ltd will sell quality furniture and equipment by public auction.
Interested bidders can view the items this coming Friday from 9:30am at Peter Stow Aqua power Ngwenya Warehouse, off ramp to Ngwenya Industrial Site, right turn. The workshop items set for auction include steel workshop shelves, workshop trolleys, work bench, workshop cabinet, workshop tables, toolboxes, roller bench, workshop working benches and tables. Workshop steel bins, industrial scale, air compressors, pumps, workshop benches with vice /press, gas bottles with trolley, bench grinders, bench drill and more.
Office items like wall safe, ceiling projector and screen, filling cabinets, office trolley boardroom cabinets, boardroom table, coffee bar table, office side drawers, office display units, credenzas, coat hangers, office desks, round tables. Reception desk, coffee tables, couches, office chairs, office stools, white boards, pin boards, binding machine, boardroom table with chairs, shredder and servers will also be auctioned. Once the potential buyers are done viewing all the items and are interested in placing their bids, they must register with the auctioneer.
This can be done by paying a refundable fee of E2 000 on the day of viewing the items. “The registration process requires the buyer’s details like phone number, address and identification such as a passport or driver’s licence number. Each registered bidder will be given a bidder card with a number that is used to identify all participants,” said rexy’s. All the items are in good condition and the auctioneer assured that the reserve prices would be reasonable.The auction will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2022, from 10:00am, at Peter Stow Aqua power Ngwenya Warehouse.
Questions relating to the auction can be directed to 2404 4179 and 7603 3360.
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