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MBABANE – NTT Toyota Swaziland (Pty) Ltd has been enlisted as the best evaluated tenderer to be awarded the over E1.7 million motor vehicle supply tender.

The tender was issued by the Municipality Council of Manzini (MCM) and a total of three companies expressed their intention for the contract. These include Mbabane Motors (Pty) Ltd who scored 83 per cent when evaluated, which was one per cent lower than NTT. Agrimech (Pty) Ltd occupied third place, they scored 46 per cent when evaluated and it was further noted that they did not qualify for financial evaluation. This was revealed by the Eswatini Public Procurement Regulatory Agency (ESPPRA) on their website.

The intention to award the company was published on Friday and they are expected to begin executing it after a period of 10 working days, should they not be contested. According to the regulator, MCM was looking for a company to supply them with three motor vehicles. The proposed contract price by the best evaluated tenderer was E1 711 444.53 and when evaluated, they scored 84 per cent.

Worth noting, one of the challenges in procurement was gaining access to the list of suppliers as they were not listed in any procurement directory. This further contributed to local procuring entities sourcing suppliers abroad as they had their own directory. The challenge has prompted the regulator of procurement locally to create a suppliers directory for easy access and grouping of suppliers. Suppliers who specialise in the supply of commodities and or provision of the services are now included in the Suppliers Directory.


This was mentioned by ESPPRA CEO Vusumutiwendvodza Matsebula in an interview yesterday. Matsebula said the suppliers’ directory would be a resource centre for procuring entities in their bid towards understanding the service providers that are available and those that are not available in the market. He said through the supplier directory, they aimed at assisting procuring entities to achieve the maximum competition principle, to ensure value for money in public procurement as envisaged by Section 38 of the Procurement Act.

“For engagement of suppliers in the directory, procuring entities will need to assess the eligibility of suppliers to participate in public procurement as envisaged by Section 40 of the Act and any other eligibility requirement that will be deemed necessary by the procuring entity during time of tender,” he added. The CEO alluded that the business environment of Eswatini continues to grow with new businesses emerging on a daily basis.  As the requesting entity, MCM was also in charge for the procuring of the tender as well as its approvals. MCM requested unsuccessful bidders to submit an application for review with the agency within 10 working days. “All tenderers who submitted bids are hereby notified that a period of 10 working days is hereby allowed to for submission of any application for review,” said MCM.

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