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MBABANE – Computronics Systems (Pty) Ltd was best evaluated for the Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) over E8 million contract.


When evaluated, Computronics scored 88.5 per cent with a proposed contract price of E8 816 550.01 while Slomoes Corporation was second with a score of 84.6 per cent and a contract price of E8 315 149.21. A total of four companies wanted the contract, NetComm proposal was rejected while Nation At Large (Pty) Ltd.’s financial proposal was not evaluated, and hence they scored below technical evaluation. The above mentioned was published by the procurement regulating authority, the Eswatini Public Procurement Regulatory Agency (ESPPRA) on their website.


The intention to award the company was published on Monday and if not contested, they are expected to begin executing it after a period of 10 working days. According to the procurement regulator, ESCCOM was looking for a contractor to install an integrated security system at their head offices. The ability of businesses and individuals to use ICT for online transactions including payments, buying and selling of different products and services will be tested.


The exercise was prompted by the fact that a number of economic, infrastructural, human and financial constraints were as result of digital divides. The stakeholder engagements are anticipated to be completed end of February 2023. Following the engagements, a report for the assessment will be drafted and it is expected to be finalised in April 2023. Eswatini and a number of developing countries were lagging behind in terms of their readiness to engage in and take advantage of the benefits from e-commerce and the digital economy.


The Ministry of Information, Communications, and Technology (MICT) and Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade in partnership (MCIT) with ESCCOM and Africa Rise, a European Union (EU) funded facility, have launched an assessment of Eswatini’s e-commerce readiness. According to ESSCOM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mvilawemphi Dlamini, the objective of the assessment was providing a comprehensive diagnostic of the country’s e-commerce ecosystem, mainly highlighting the eco-system’s strengths and weaknesses.


As the requesting entity, ESSCOM was also in charge for the procuring of the tender as well as its approvals. ESSCOM requested unsuccessful bidders to submit an application for review with the agency within 10 working days. “All tenderers who submitted bids are hereby notified that a period of 10 working days is hereby allowed to for submission of any application for review,” said ESSCOM.

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