Home | Entertainment | I’M A BILLIONAIRE - SWAZI JIVE CEO


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MBABANE – Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but it is not everyone who is willing to put in the work towards that, for those who do, it comes with good rewards.

The founder of Swazi Jive revealed to his followers on social media that he is a billionaire. This came after a lengthy post where he was talking about money, power and resentment.
“It’s been more than a year since I shared my thoughts. At first I thought it was because I had no time, then I started convincing myself I had nothing to talk about but the reality is I was scared,” Sakhile Nkambule said.


“Scared to share the heartbreaking and painful experiences but above it all, I was scared to tell other entrepreneurs and future leaders that it only gets harder and the decision to be a leader comes with harsh consequences.
“I spent most of my 2016 trying to stay away from the media, I changed my cellphone number four times and I lost all my childhood friends. I battled to come out of academic probation in college and the sleepless nights were starting to catch up with me.

“I struggled to motivate my employees after our most popular show resulted in the biggest net loss we had witnessed in three years. I watched a few people I trusted turn their backs on me and for the first time I watched the media brand my confidence that constantly sells my ideas as arrogance. My partners at the time (secretly) called it a superiority complex. I could go on and on but I don’t want you to miss the point.


“My success as a young entrepreneur from Swaziland has been met with mixed feelings. I became used to adults trying to talk down on me, giving me useless advice or not giving me anything at all simply because of who I was (A young man from the Kingdom). I became used to people hanging around us to try benefit from any public attention or financial gains.

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