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image Bishop Vincent Hlatshwako of Rest In Christ Ministries was also enjoying dinner with his wife. The bishop hosted his church for Valentine’s dinner at The George Hotel.

MANZINI – While we can all pretty much recognise the emotions associated with love, actually finding the words to explain those feelings is a tough order and Bishop Vincent Hlatshwako made it easier for the couples in his church.

Rest In Christ Ministries did something out of the ordinary and decided that they would spend their Valentine’s Day outside of church. They had a special ‘lovers’ service, courtesy of The George Hotel in Manzini, where they met over dinner to discuss love issues and solutions.

The theme verse for the day was Corinthians 1, Chapter 13 verses  4-7 which reads ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.”

During the sermon, it was highlighted that the dinner that the congregants from Rest in Christ Ministries under Bishop Vincent Hlatshwako’s leadership had just indulged in was a symbol of an ‘agape’ feast, which means the food that they were eating celebrated the love that Jesus has for them and the love that is in their hearts by the Holy Spirit.

The bishop spoke about how in the church love meant two things which were unity and obedience. He advised his congregants to be patient with one another and also in whatever they do, put God first as He was the important one in the relationship between a man and a woman.

He urged couples to communicate their feelings towards each other and highlighted that it is important to try and go back to the main reasons why they fell in love in the first place, as it would help restore love that may be deteriorating.

The bishop also highlighted on the issue of respect, where the woman is supposed to be submissive to the man and the man is supposed to be the head of the family and guide his family through him praying for them and instilling godly leadership towards them.

Lovers were treated to a buffet meal served by The George Hotel which also gave out roses to the women that were in the room. The dinner started at 6pm and ended just after 9.30pm. Worth noting was the fact that the bishop made an announcement to the couples that each of them should not shy away from the Times Entertainment Desk’s camera lenses.

 “We are Christians and we must be proud to show off our spouses and the respect has to share Valentine’s Day in the sanctity of marriage.”

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