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MBABANE – There is no bad blood between SWAMA and NACAs, as Nqobile Simelane gets redeployed.

The Swaziland Arts and Music Association (SWAMA)’s new executive has accepted the voluntary redeployment of its Executive Treasurer Nqobile Simelane, who now sits in the NACAs organising committee.

NACAs are National Arts and Culture Awards, and are organised by the Swaziland National Council of Arts and Culture (SNCAC).
“We accept Simelane’s refocus and wish her all the best in her various roles in the arts. She did send formal communication through our president, and although she cited personal reasons, we unanimously accepted her move as we hope she will be of great service to various national programmes, in the interim Mrs Penny Bouwer will take over as Executive Treasurer” revealed SWAMA PRO Thabile Mdluli.
Simelane had served a short stint as treasurer in the previous President Lutfo Dlamini-led executive. She became the only member from the former committee to be re-elected into the new youthful and dynamic team led by President Melusi ‘Zox’ Dlamini. Artists that attended the November 4 SWAMA AGM noticed from her report that several artists got tremendous financial support from SWAMA.
Some of the artists who received assistance from SWAMA included Mozaik and Dj Master P, who coincidentally are believed to be managed by Simelane.

Addressing the new SWAMA executive, at an introductory meeting held at SNCAC offices in Manzini last week, the CEO of SNCAC Stanley Dlamini congratulated the new team and pledged to orient them alongside those from other arts associations.


“As you are new in office, you need to know in how associations and the council work. We hope the orientation workshop would assist you plan your programmes and activities well for the benefit of your artists,” said Dlamini.

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