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MBABANE – One of the freshest girls from the Shiselweni region has been crowned the cultural queen of 2018.

Jubilation and laughter reigned supreme last Saturday night when Temanyandza Magongo was crowned the 2018/19 Miss Culture for Ngwane College. Friends and relatives filled up the stage where the emotional queen hugged and kissed her family and friends as soon as she was announced as the winner.

Scooping the first and second runner-up positions was Cebile Mabuza and Bagezile Ginindza, respectively in the long journey that proved that the juice were indeed worth the squeeze.
This was more-so because all the contestants had brought their A-game for the competition, that was witnessed by over 500 students and guests.

One would be forgiven for thinking that the competition began from the setting up of the venue, the Lomawa hall, as the decoration was nothing below perfection and suitable for a cultural event.
As if that was not enough, those present also stuck to the theme of the night as they were either clad in traditional regalia or somehow managed to incorporate traditional elements in their dress codes.

The event kicked off shortly after 7pm where the night’s programme directors, Mlondi Mpanza and Sanele Simelane just went straight to business shortly after the event was opened with a prayer.
First on stage were the eight contestants who made an introductory parade, proving to the spectators why they had joined the pageant, giving out nothing but the best, thanks to the cheerful crowd that gave them the much-needed confidence booster.

The contestants were dressed by the event’s two major sponsors, being the Strydom Mpanza Foundation (SM Foundation) and Sigeja Curios, who not only contributed with the branded T-shirts but also contributed financially and otherwise.
As soon as the contestants left the stage, a group of students mounted the stage where they delivered a performance of Umbholoho, living true to the theme of the event as this gave the event a true cultural feeling.
Thereafter, the girls returned clad in traditional regalia, courtesy of Sigeja Curios, where they danced ingadla, much to the appreciation of the energetic crowd that cheered them up to the end of the event.

A Chinese drama followed thereafter by students from the college who lived up to the already set bar in the electrifying atmosphere, before opening up the floor for speeches. The first to make such was a representative of the institution’s administration, followed by a representative of Sigeja Curious, Strydom Mpanza, who spoke on behalf of SM Foundation.
Notably, Mpanza appreciated the opportunity granted to the Foundation by the Culture Society, chaired by Zwelabo Maziya.

He further pledged that they would continue supporting the pageant going forward as the Society was doing a good thing in making sure that Culture was preserved in the institution.
Finally, it was the time that everyone was waiting for when the judges announced the top five, which was followed by questions posed to the contestants as the road neared the end for two of the five contestants.

According to Maziya, apart from the day’s activities, the contestants were also judged based on votes, which they had canvassed for from the student body leading up to the main event.
Indeed, the event proved to be the best, as evident in assertions made by spectators, who applauded the Culture Society for the well-planned event.

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