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MBABANE – The  choristers who will take home  the E10 000 promised by SwaziBank will only be revealed in September.

This is a cash prize that was promised by the bank during the SwaziBank School Choral Music Competition held two weeks ago.
The ‘bank with a heart’ had a E10 000 incentive for any of the schools that would have the highest number of bank accounts opened by pupils  at the bank.

The incentive was communicated to the Swaziland Schools Choral Music Association (SNSCMA) by the bank’s Managing Director (MD), Zakhele Lukhele.

For choristers to win the money, they had to open one of the accounts specifically designed for the youth.
SwaziBank had offered two products for the pupils and these were Umlolongi and the Siyakhula accounts.
The winning school was expected to be announced during the finals known as Champ of Champs.

However, the organising committee took a decision to not announce the winner as some of the music teachers asked for an extension.
One of the reasons for the extension was the fact they did not have enough time to motivate the pupils to open the accounts as they were busy concentrating on making sure that their choirs were ready for the competition.

Khonelinkhosi Dlamini, Chairperson of the Swaziland Schools Music Association (SSCMA) said after the request from the teachers they decided to give them more time .

 “We agreed that the winner will be announced in September on a date to be confirmed. We believe the teachers would have had enough time to encourage pupils to open the accounts,” said Dlamini.
He further  thanked the bank for the incentive saying this would encourage other pupils to be  part of the choral competition in future, while also teaching them the value of saving money .

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