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Balancing school and modelling can be hectic and confusing for a young person, as they tend to get carried away with the fame from the media industry, at the same time what is fame? It’s nothing but a hot air balloon.

GCWALA speaks to Sincobile Mavundla, who is a professional model and at tertiary level.
She tells us how she copes with both responsibilities and still makes it.  

Who is Sincobile Mavundla?
Sincobile Mavundla also known as ‘Vicki’ is a 23-year-old girl from a family of five siblings, three boys and two girls. She is a bubbly person, who likes to joke and adores people. That is Vicky for you!

How do you balance school and modelling?
School is a priority then modelling is a hobby. I always make sure I’m on track with school first then for refreshing and keeping myself busy that’s when modelling comes in.

Why can’t you choose career path in modelling?
With modelling in our country it has not yet developed much to be recognised as a career in a way that it can even put food on the table. I love it but one has to be realistic. While with nursing I’m passionate about it and it’s also one of the careers that are in demand in our country. It pays the bills. For now doing both does not cause me any harm I haven’t seen the reason to choose between the two.

What is the importance of education?
Education is a treasure one could never take away from you and you cannot trade it for anything. So when you have an education, not only do you add value to yourself but even to your reasoning. It comes with a lot of thinking outside the box and being open minded I can also say it has its own experiences. So without education one cannot keep up in this evolving world. Education is key to survival.

Do you see yourself as a role model for young people?
Of course I do, being a model puts one in the spotlight in a way that most people start to watch every step you take, every move. They start appreciating everything about you. And they can also see themselves being better people too just because they know this one person whom they look up to.

Where do you see yourself in the next six years?
LOL that’s a hard one. God willing I see myself with more qualifications than just a degree. Also looking back I’ll be having no regrets. I’ll be married since you know it’s in every girl’s dream. I’ll also be one of the most influential women in the country.

Who is your role model and why?
My mom, she is the strongest women I’ve ever met. She is my pillar, growing up I learnt a lot from her and from her mistakes.

Do you see any change in the modelling industry?
Yes I do, a different generation will soon dominate the country and yes we are bringing change. Change for the better. It’s all in our hands; we just need to learn to support one another.

What is that one thing people don’t know about you?
They do not know the main reason I joined modelling, it was because of my course. I used to be shy and with nursing one should know how to advocate for their clients and also doing health talks in front of a number of people is no joke. I decided to deal with my demons while I still had time, and I must say it helped. Now I can be loud and speak up whenever.

l     I’m a God fearing woman.
l     I have three brothers whom I refer to as   bae #1,#2  and #3.
l     Most of the time when I’m stressed I joke about my issues or whatever that’s bothering me.
l     I used to be so skinny but lately I’ve gained a few kilos.
l     I’m emotional, too much of a cry baby.
l     I love music and dancing but I’m not a good solo singer.
l     I think I have a big nose.

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