Home | Entertainment | C4 DROPS ‘EXPLICIT’ TRACK


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MBABANE -  Rapper C4 is adamant on having no limitations when it comes to words.

Back from the shadows, Eswatini veteran female rapper Cherise ‘C4’ Ford has shown the fearless side of her by dropping an explicit song titled ‘Allegiance’, a song which displays a sex scene. This publication cannot repeat the lyrics of the song because they contain explicit language. The song created social media abuzz where many supported it and some, condemned it for its explicitness. The song was released last weekend, after being produced by Eswatini renowned producer Ziyawa ka Zitha in his  new studios. The artist behind the explicit song highlighted that she did not expect the song to be broadcasted on radio or TV as they have strict rules against airing songs with ‘strong’ language. “I am expecting it to go viral on social media,” she said.

C4 said the song was motivated by her wanting to empower women. “Women are so precious but are reduced to people who are there just to clean and pleasure people. Life comes from women and the places I speak about. It is time women are put on a pedestal. “It is definitely meant for the public but I preferred to use social media as my platform because on radio you cannot say exactly what you want to say. I do not want people telling me how to write my songs and if they cannot play them here, they will be heard elsewhere. I want to encourage honest writing and break barriers, shatter ceilings,” said C4.

She also said the reaction from the public excited her because it indicated that people understood her art and the message she was trying to convey. “At the end of the day, I am trying to announce my utmost respect for women through the song. “I hope it also generates a sisterhood that ends all the pettiness and fighting over trivial things and just handling their business like the bosses they are. I was just really expressive about it,” she said. According to BTRtoday, music is an art form, and art has never held a good relationship with censorship. Earning the “explicit label” can be somewhat of an ordeal for songwriters.


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