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On meeting Fashion designer Sabatini Mamba, you are struck not only by her warm personality, diminutive body structure and eye-catching hairstyle, but also by her perfectly cut, head-turning outfit, which she says she designed.

 This is what she is known for, but it could have been so different, as Saba, as she is affectionately known in the fashion world, initially studied Creative Multimedia at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.
As soon as she was done with books, Saba turned to her passion, which is making clothes.
The 23-year-old budding businesswoman from Mbabane says she has always been passionate about fashion, which is why she started the Dressed by Saba clothing line.

As we are four days away from the much-talked about Valentine’s Day, the graphic designer and voice-over artist advised those who will be celebrating love on this day to surprise their loved ones with trendy and fashionable clothing.
While speaking as a fashion expert, the down to earth woman insisted it was important to get out with your loved one while rocking that special piece of clothing. She has already delivered a couple of designs specially made for this day and is eager to put more smiles on people’s faces through her outfits.

She is currently working with her parents as a graphic designer. She first wears a smile before revealing her voice is among those that were used by Eswatini Mobile.
STYLE sat down with the multi-talented woman and this is how the rest of the interview turned out;

How it all started:

Fashion is a passion, a God-given gift. I’ve always loved sewing clothes for dolls and mending my little sister’s socks. My late grandmother bought me a small sewing kit. I then started sewing stuff for myself and that was when I was still in primary school.
When I got to high school, I remember my Fashion and Fabrics teacher loved me. She used to call me ‘teacher Sabatini’ and she would ask that I look after my fellow classmates whenever she had to leave class.
 I remember working on my graduation dress and it was featured in the newspaper after I wore it. After people saw that dress on the paper, they started calling me. My first client was my former high school classmate. I made her a dress for her Fresher’s pageant.

Future goals:

I would love to open a bridal shop where I’ll sell and rent out wedding gowns, bridesmaids’ dresses and suits; opening a fashion school where I will be able to teach people how to sew is also something I dream about.

What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?
Social media is the best platform to market yourself as a fashion designer. Everyone is on Facebook and/or Instagram and posting your designs there gains you clients.
What was your biggest fear when going out and starting your own line?

Competition! The fashion industry is the most concentrated. Everyone is a fashion designer. But then I have my strategies around that.

What is your favourite part about being a designer?
It has to be seeing a client wearing something made by me. The second is being able to dress myself.

How do you want women to feel when wearing your clothes?
I want them to feel like the queens they are. I want them to feel confident because I know God gave me a neat hand.
There is so much pressure for designers to come out with their greatest collection season after season.

What advice would you give to young designers just starting out and hoping to make it in the industry?
My advice would be; be sure about what you are getting yourself into. Also, do not feel pressured to start sewing for people. Perfect your art first.

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