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MBABANE – A soothing way to end the weekend.  Afro soul lovers had a perfect weekend wrap-up as they gathered together at The George Hotel in Manzini last Sunday where they got to enjoy South Africa’s afro soul singer, Afrotraction’s performance.

The talented singer, whose real name is Mzwandile Moya, gallivanted across stage in his black and gold silk shirt, denim jeans and sneakers, maintaining a pleasantly upbeat and vibrant tone to shut down a show that had already sky-rocketed.

He was the last act to hit the stage and he left the crowd yearning for more, even though a number of them were literally dripping with sweat when the musician left the stage at around 10pm.

He had to put on a great show on stage as local artists such as Nomalungelo Dladla and Mozaik had already set the pace really high.  The crowd easily crowned Nomalungelo the best performer of the night following a spirited performance that was filled with dance, singing along and moving around the dancing arena. She delivered a performance that endeared her to the hearts of music lovers.


Coming back to Afrotraction, while armed with a talented band, the star did less talking and simply rendered one song after another. However, he did mention he was amazed that his songs were popular in the country. This was after the women-dominated crowd sang along to most of the songs he performed on stage. Each song was received with high-pitched cheers from the excited women.

When he performed his popular song ‘Mnike’, excitement seemed to get the better of the women as they pushed and shoved while trying to get closer to the stage or capture the rendition through their mobile phones.


He also performed songs such as ‘Ngeke k’lunge’, ‘S’yathandana’, ‘Njengawe’ and ‘Ngiphelele’.
“It was my first time performing in Eswatini and I was amazed by the love that I received. My songs are popular here, something I did not expect. This is home to me, since I am from Mpumalanga. I am definitely going to have more shows in the country, so people should stay in the loop because I am coming back with more music,” he said.


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