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MBABANE – Inspiring. The well-known DJ from the capital city , who goes by the name of Bloss, is one of those who believe in the spirit of helping each other as he has a foundation mandated to assist the less fortunate.

‘Joy of the nation’ foundation is seeking assistance as they are on a campaign of raising essential needs, which include food parcels and clothing to name a few, for the less privilege.


In an interview with Bloss, he said he was inspired by his background and the environment he was in.
 “Growing up surviving each day is how some of us get by. There are a lot of people out there who need help. It might be something small but it will go a long way,” he said.

 He went on to share his plans about the foundation, which he believes would change people’s lives.
“We want to go as far as helping the government in terms of school fees and uniforms,” he said.
 The crowd puller, pleaded with the public to help make his vision come true.

 He also said he was aware of the current situation and hopes they will be able to distribute after the partial lockdown.
 “COVID-19 is a serious issue that has affected a lot of people. During this period most people really need our help; we also understand that we have to support the government by taking all necessary health precautions.  


We will resume with our movements as soon as the situation at hand becomes at ease,” he said.
 He went on to plead with the nation to donate with anything they can share with the less privileged.

 “It takes one good act to heal the nation. We are appealing to the nation, they can donate anything, it can be food parcels or clothing, it will really mean a lot. We will then arrange ways to handout the items, ” he added.
 Those who would like to help,   can call 768 23 542 or 7812 6806

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