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MBABANE – Among cancelled fireworks, virtual events, and street parties it seems welcoming 2021 will be sombre.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic governments across the world are banning any sort of gathering by imposing curfews earlier than midnight to try and curb the spread of the virus. The sky erupting in a kaleidoscope of colours, revellers dancing on the streets and the world ushering in the new year with a massive blowout, New Year’s Eve is another reason for people to chase after destinations that promise a good time. Maybe not this year.

With 2020, we entered a new decade and it was quite the celebration, but the start of 2021 looks more subdued. As expected, countries have cancelled or modified their plans for the celebrations on New Year’s Eve due to the pandemic. Earlier in December, a second wave of the coronavirus was announced with a much severe strain and around the world, things are more uncertain than ever. Many locals have expressed their disappointment over the cancellation of such events, although some have appreciated the necessity to have crossover parties cancelled.


With the beginning of the second wave, many artists and events organisers were reluctant to host events such as the mega crossover by Mduduzi Simelane of Mduduzi nezinceku Zamagawugawu, which has been over the years attracting over 20 000 revellers. Last Friday, Deputy Prime Minister, Themba Masuku announced refined regulations in the wake of a second wave of infections, which would run until January 6, 2021. These included a restriction on hosting any event beyond 8pm as well as limiting the sale or serving of alcohol to people at an event of more than 20 people.


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