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MBABANE – Local entertainment television has continued to grow in leaps and bounds over the years.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly disturbed a lot of sectors in the country thus delaying some of the proposed projects that were planned prior. One of the biggest television shows in the country, The Beatdown which is hosted by Mangaliso ‘Elfoe’ Masilela on Eswatini TV is one of those shows that have stamped their presence over the years in local television. The show was created by Elfoe and Mangaliso ‘Clowna’ Ndzinisa.

It has embraced the new normal of broadcasting week-in and week-out to appease fans of the show which has been airing for close to 10 years. The show airs every Saturdays from 8pmto 9pm and has over the past weeks interviewed renowned international artists. This includes the likes of South African celebrities DJ Cleo and hip-hop artist Nasty C which is the most recent interview he did. In this week’s episode, the outspoken Masilela disclosed that he would be interviewing Slikour (from Skwatta Camp fame- SA) and assured viewers that they would definitely be entertained. With regards to the upward trajectory the show has been taking, he responded by saying it was great to see the guests of the show responding to the sit-down interviews which are conducted through virtual means.


“The BeatDown has always worked at getting behind the story of the moves that artists make, locally and outside of the country. The viewers are used to interviews at events when everything is high paced so it’s refreshing to see the artists in a controlled and relaxed environment,” he said. He alluded to the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic obviously forced everyone to re-invent themselves so as to not stay behind the new normal. “Luckily for me it hasn’t been as hard as it is for others. If anything it’s made things somewhat better in some aspects. No more long nights covering all-nighter events and interviews done behind the stage or in poorly lit back stages. He, however, mentioned that the downside to the current situation meant that there were fewer shows which meant less money for the artists which in-turn means less music videos for the show. Furthermore, when he was asked on what his favourite interview was; he said he wouldn’t single out any specifically but pointed out that he enjoyed his recent one-on-one with international artist Nasty C.


“I enjoyed the recent Nasty C interview because of where he is now. He was fresh from appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, so it was a nice confidence boost for me to know that he had time to speak at length with The Beat Down,” he said. He went on to say, “As exciting as it is to speak to the international artists and all, the truth is my favourite interviews are with the locals because I relate more with them. They feel like family and that gives me a sense of comfort around them because I know my people. And they are usually more fun, not to take anything away from the international interviews,” he asserted. Phetsile Dlamini from Mbabane, a fan of the show since 2015 said she was excited that the show was still running. She mentioned that she loved the music and the exclusive content ‘Elfoe’ brought to the show.

Mzoliswa Khuzwayo from Siteki averred that since he did not have DSTV but only local channels to watch, The Beatdown was his favourite show. “I make sure that I do not miss out on watching the show as it keeps us up to date with what is happening. Plus, the show supports local content as I remember there was a video of mine that was aired three years back that I had submitted since I am an artist,” he mentioned. Masilela further urged viewers to continue watching the show as there was more to come. “Now that we have started we won’t stop. There are more interviews to come, both from The Beat Down on Saturday at 8PM and on This Weekend Eswatini on Friday at 5:30 PM. I will be talking to the biggest, the dopest and illest artists. People should download the Eswatini TV app so they don’t miss any of the shows or interviews,” he concluded.

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