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MBABANE – ‘Time to implement plan B.’

The COVID-19 pandemic has given a serious challenge to local sporting and arts associations.  It has forced many event organisers to think of creative ways to keep their sectors alive.With events closed, the entertainment industry has been quiet. Only a few shows have been hosted online. One of the shows that left social media abuzz was the Ncandweni Christ Ambassadors online show that was hosted in February.

According to the report from the Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture (ENCAC), there has been no competition or rather activity hosted to empower the art sector this year.
 The ENCAC Chief Executive Officer, Stanley Dlamini, officially invited local event planners to submit their strategy as they are willing to assist in hosting an online show. He went on to share that all competitions should be hosted online.“The current pandemic has halted so many plans and that does not mean all has come to an end. Creatives need to tap into the digital world to keep the entertainment sector alive. As a council, we are challenging event organisers to use the platforms and we are willing to assist,” he said.

He went on to share that their main mandate was to help elevate the local art sector.  “Just like other countries abroad, the art sector can relieve the economical state of the country. Eswatini is a home of true talent, creatives shouldn’t be halted by the current pandemic, we can still unearth new talent during these trying times,” he said.  Dlamini urged event planners, especially those who were willing to host competitions, to submit their strategies. He went on to share that they will soon be presenting a new way of hosting all pageants virtually.  “Pageants Eswatini has already been tasked to present a new way of hosting pageants. The show must go on, we need to embrace the digital world. They will soon be sharing phases on how the pageants will be hosted.We all do not know when this pandemic will be over and we can no longer postpone or cancel events this year,” he added. Dlamini urged event planners and artists to be patient with the Copyrights Act that will also help them get remuneration for their art, especially in the digital world.


A copyright is an exclusive right granted by law for a limited period to an author, designer for his or her original work. A royalty is a payment made by one party to another that owns a particular asset, for the right to ongoing use of that asset.“Last year, during a meeting with the stake holders of the industry, they stressed the importance of the Copyrights Act and royalties. We do understand that the implementation of the act will help all artists. For now, we need to be patient and think out of the box,” he said. According to WP Events Manager, hosting shows online has several benefits.

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