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MBABANE - You could be the next beauty queen.

The Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture (ENCAC) a few months back launched the Miss Cultural Heritage Eswatini. During the launch, the association shared that the pageant would take place before the end of the year. Speaking to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ENCAC, Stanley Dlamini, he officially shared that they were still open for registrations. “Those interested in taking part in this year’s competition are advised that applications can now be submitted at Arts and Culture offices or online via missculturalheritage2@gmail.com,” he said.


Dlamini said they were following the prime minister’s statement which prohibited all gatherings over 20.  “The pandemic has given us enough time to plan; hence we consider it a blessing in disguise. We have decided to let the nation know that we are still open to receiving registration forms for the next pageant,” he said. Dlamini went on to mention that interested candidates should be between the ages of 18-24. “If you are 23-years-old you will not be able to qualify for this pageant as the following year you would be turning 24 years. We need young girls between the ages of 18-24,” he said. The committee also stated that candidates should have finished school, must not be married or divorced, do not have children or be pregnant, must not have ever been convicted of a crime, they must also not have any visible tattoos. “This pageant is strictly for emaSwati. If not, candidates should be residents of the country for five years, residency must be completed two years before the pageant,” explained Dlamini.
He went on to add that interested candidates were expected to adhere to high moral standards. “Miss Cultural Heritage Eswatini and her court must be of good moral character and remain in good standing order with their school, institution and community.


All contestants must attend all cultural events as per communication from the office,” she said. It is worth noting that the purpose of the pageant is to inspire young people to take advantage of the rich cultural heritage to earn a living. “It is an initiative to popularise the rich Eswatini Culture among the young population. It is also meant to promote the country’s national dress and design, making our traditional attire to be recognised and acceptable,” he added. “Interested candidates can drop their applications at the Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture head office. We are still going to discuss other innovative ways of sharing more information about the pageant,” he said. Dlamini assured the nation that they would be hosting pageants as soon as the current COVID-19 numbers decreased.  “The show must go on. We will utilise other means of keeping the sector alive. We are considering taking the pageants online just like our neighbouring country, South Africa. We are also positive that there will be light at the end of the tunnel as different art associations are working around the clock, creating new ways of keeping the sector alive,” he said.


Temanyandza Magongo, who was crowned Miss Cultural Heritage 2019/2020, encouraged young girls to join the pageant.  She also shared how the current COVID-19 pandemic halted some of her duties.  Most of the cultural events were put on hold to curb the spread of the virus. “My reign has been distorted by the ongoing pandemic, but I have executed my duties as a queen and currently running charity programmes. I would like to urge the nation to help in choosing the next queen by participation in all the activities,” she said. More information about the pageant will soon be shared in this publication.

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