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Up close with the Entertainment Clinic Crew

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With Swaziland slowly be coming a world of Fashion and Entertainment, more and more young people are now entrepreneurs.

This has also created job opportunities for other young people to either be the faces or PROs of these clothing lines and entertainment stables.  STYLE lets you in on the ’Entertainment Clinic’ and ‘Manyosi Wear’ through its founder (Ntokozo ‘Doc Manyosi’ Dlamini) and the PRO (Khetsiwe Ndlovu):

How did you choose the name of your Label (Manyosi Wear)?
Manyosi is a name given to me by my friends and I decided to use it as part of the clothing label.
Why did you decide to ventu-re into clothing?

At first it I wanted to establish a brand of clothing for my company (Entertainment Clinic) just like other stables do but then I decided to make it a different brand that would however, dress our artists and other personalities.
When was the Label established?

It started in July last year with the first brand called ‘SNVL’ which means-Swazis Naturally Love Vibe.
How many brands do you have and which one is the most popular?
We have two different brands and the other was made for church going people because they could not don the ’SNVL’ branded T-shirts to church.

I then came up with a brand called ‘Zero Boredom in God’s Presence’.
 How do you come to choose the branding names?
The different brand names are to add variety into the different T-shirt brands we have and to also make a statement whilst showing the children of life that various Swazi people live. They are also meant to be catchy which is what the youth want as they are our primary target.
How is it doing so far?

It is doing well as we have been able to sell many T-shirts locally and in South Africa through the internet and agents.  
What marketing strategy do you use?
There are many ways but mostly, we use the internet, mainly advertising it on the social networking site Facebook to try and reach out to many people because not all of them can be reached through spoken word. The internet is really of great help.

Who are the Faces of the Label?
Currently we have people like Gospel artist Sandile Makhanya, Swaziboy Spinner DJ Crooks, local Hip Hop artist M-Forteen, and Big Fun’s DJ X-stacy.
What are your future plans with regards to the Label?
We want to take it as far as it can go and to help to promote local talent through the brand and also market it in places away from the city. We also want to rope in new designers to add some fresh ideas as well as new brands. One brand is coming and it will be called ‘Don’t You Just Love Swazi DJs’. We also plan to dress more artists and DJs, especially those under the Entertainment Clinic. We will market it much better now that we have a PRO.

How do you feel about being the Spoke-sperson of the Entertainment Clinic?
It is an honour but at the same time a very big challenge as I have to rise above all the pressure to make the company happen.

What is your Job Description?
It entails marketing the stable and giving out information to the nation.
When were you appointed?

 About 3 or four weeks ago.
How do you find you job so far?
 I am still getting to learn more about the company and fit into Ntokozo’s (Founder) dream but it is going fine so far.
What strategy do you have that will make the company popular amongst many people?
I am still trying to work around that as I am relatively new in the PR business but I will definitely use the internet. In the end it comes to what I have to say about the company and how well I present it to people, that is what will make all the difference in making it familiar amongst the masses.  

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