Mbabane – The recruitment process of Miss Cultural Heritage has kicked off.
So far, 20 girls are already on the journey to become Miss Cultural Heritage Eswatini 2022. This is a process that takes most of the year from the crowning until Umhlanga Reed Dance, where the last phase of recruitment takes place for that current years pageant. When reached for comment, the chairperson of the pageant Sedatia Tsabedze said, “We encourage girls to enter the pagent process, we also identify them from other pageants as well as their social media,” shared Tsabedze.
The Miss Cultural Heritage Pageant concept is unique to other pageant concepts not just by name, mission, vision and objectives but also its programmes and production which are purely heritage. The fusion of heritage and beauty pageantry is very much an astute noble idea because it creates the idea of modelling for a purpose that is greater and deeper, making pageantry a tool for sustainable development. To represent a nation’s heritage is an important aspect because heritage is everything that a nation is made up of, from the physical and personality characteristics of the people, the values, the climate, the religion, literature, the laws, the man-made and natural features, the history and the current affairs and the ideas and philosophy of that country. All these things make up a country and they are the national pride and national treasure of each country.
The pageant looks beyond a tiara and a sash but to a totally rebranded way of cultural indulgence, one that impacts the economy and improves the lives of the people of the people of Eswatni. Miss Cultural Heritage remains obligated to preserve our cultural heritage in the economic progression to the First World. Miss Cultural Heritage has a duty to uphold then traditional values of the country and further embrace Vision 2022, carry both goals with dignity and without compromise of the other. The goal is to breed a queen who is proud of her culture, one who will guard it with and progress with it to the First World. This year’s event will trend as ‘My_Cultural_Elegance’.
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