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MBABANE – In a bid to help design more national programming in the arts sector, Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture will launch and host a summit.

An Arts Summit can be described as a gathering of creative minds, industry professionals, policymakers and stakeholders within the arts sector, coming together to discuss, strategise, and collaborate on the development and advancement of the artistic landscape. It serves as a platform for dialogue, exchange of ideas and the formulation of strategies to enhance the creative sector. This was revealed by the Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture (ENCAC) CEO Stanley Dlamini when asked about the strategies the council was to enforce in order to better manage the budget to be allocated to the arts sector this year.  “We will be launching the policy and a summit soon. This will help in designing more national programming in the arts sector,” said Dlamini.


The launch of an Arts Summit by ENCAC reflects a commitment to designing more comprehensive national programming within the arts sector. National programming refers to the strategic planning and implementation of policies, initiatives and projects aimed at promoting and supporting the arts at a national level. By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives an Arts Summit can serve as a catalyst for developing inclusive and impactful national programming in the arts. During the interview, the summit’s importance was also highlighted, stating;
* Fostering collaboration: An Arts Summit creates an avenue for collaboration among artists, policymakers and industry professionals. By facilitating dialogue and networking opportunities, it encourages partnerships that can lead to innovative projects, resource sharing and collective problem-solving.
* Identifying challenges and opportunities: The arts summit acts as a platform to identify the challenges faced by the arts sector and explore opportunities for growth and development. Through panel discussions, workshops, and presentations, participants can share their experiences, exchange insights and collectively find solutions to common issues.
* Promoting cultural diversity: The arts are a reflection of a society’s cultural richness. An Arts Summit provides an opportunity to celebrate and promote cultural diversity, ensuring that the various artistic expressions of Eswatini’s diverse communities are acknowledged, supported and preserved.
* Advocating for the arts: By convening individuals from various sectors, an Arts Summit serves as an advocacy platform for the arts. It allows participants to raise awareness about the importance of investing in the arts, fostering creativity and recognising the transformative power of artistic expression in society.

The launch and hosting of an Arts Summit by ENCAC has the potential to redefine the arts landscape in the country. It can lead to the formulation of a cohesive national arts strategy, the establishment of funding mechanisms, the creation of platforms for cultural exchange, and the nurturing of emerging talent. Furthermore, an Arts Summit can inspire a newfound appreciation for the arts, encouraging increased public and private sector support for artistic endeavours.

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