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From Holland with Swazi Love!

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Swaziland continues to produce the best as far as singing is concerned. This past week, STYLE was paid a visit by beautiful Jennifer Root, a young woman who was born in Swaziland but is now based in Holland. Her mother, Thandi Maseko is a Swazi who hails from Siteki in the Lubombo Region.

Root is a musician and right now she is promoting her upcoming album which is set to be released towards the end of this month.

Her family moved to Holland in 1989 and she went to a private music school and learned how to use and control her voice.

She also took dance classes so she would know how to perform on stage.

In the meanwhile her mother arranged performances for her at parties and weddings so she could blossom at what she does best; singing.

At the age of 15 Jennifer participated in an audition for the record company Free Music Entertainment.

The director was impressed so she got signed! A year after that only at the age of 16 her first single titled ‘I want it all’ was released and after that the album was released.

The release did extremely well, not only in Netherlands/Europe but also in Asia. After the release Jennifer took a break to focus on her studies. After her Business Management education she started as a project manager at a telecommunication company and Director for an Italian (Milan) Cosmetics company.

Even though Jennifer is doing well, her love for music has always been there and her record company has always believed in her and stayed by her side. She is fortunate to work with producers who worked with the biggest stars in the world. Blessed with a beautiful voice; Miss Root is back with her new single titled; ‘Sunrise’.

Read on as Root tells STYLE more about herself:

Can you tell us about yourself.

Born on 04-04-1985 in the Capital of Swaziland; Mbabane. In 1989 by the age of 4 the family (mom, dad, Jennifer and brother Eric) moves to the Netherlands, except for brother Brian & David and sister Eunice, they are already on their own. My siSwati name is Simangele, I was a surprise for my parents, not planned but definitely welcome.

What brings you back in Swaziland and for how long will you be here?

I’m back in Swaziland to promote my new CD and to see my family of course. I’ll be here for a total of 4 weeks.

Which places do you know in Swaziland? Which is your favourite and when was the last time you visited Swaziland?

I’m so totally ‘in love’ with Ezulwini, it’s gorgeous. The last time I was in Swaziland was in 2008.

What do you like the most about Swaziland?

The landscape, I really hope to move back to Swaziland one day.

You are into music, when and how did you start? What else do you do?

At the age of six I participated in a school performance and a new dream was born... I went to a private music school and learned how to use and control my voice. I also took dance class so I would know how to perform on stage. After the release of the first and second CD I took a break to focus on my studies. After my Business Management education I started as a project manager for a telecommunication company and director for an Italian (Milan) cosmetics company.

Where have you performed before and when can we expect a performance from you in Swaziland?

I’ve performed in most countries in Europe, Asia and Swaziland of course! We’re making a plan so definitely before I return to the Netherlands.

Tell us about your upcoming album, who have you worked with and who is going to release it?

I’m very excited about that. I’m so fortunate to work with producers who worked with the biggest stars in the world, to mention a few; Madonna, Rihanna, Shakira, Justin Timberlake, John Legend, Lil’ Wayne etc. My album will be released by my record company Free Music Entertainment International and DistributionLabel.com

What are some of the lessons that you have learnt as a musician?

Always stay close to yourself and only release work that you are confident about.

You are only 25 years, what are some of your future plans and where do you see yourself in the next 15 years?

My future plans are to continue with singing until the age of 30 or 32. Then I would like to start my own business here in SD and live here as well. So I’m definitely planning on moving back home in the future.

How is life in Holland? What do you like about the place and what’s your typical day like?

Life in Holland is very good. I have no complaints what so ever.

I wake up and I get ready for work (director of a cosmetics company) or to the studio. I manage to combine those two for now.


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