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Khanyisile:the new queen of the ramp

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Khanyisile Dlamini is a tall, dark and perfectly proportioned 25 year old woman who recently joined Batef Top Models.
The mother of one has maintained her figure and tells Gcwala about her life long dream of becoming a model

Gcwala- How did you join the modelling industry?
Khanyi-sile - I was actually approached by Miss Swazi-land pageant organiser TK to take part in the Miss Swaziland contest only to find that I am  not eligible to participate because I have a child . It is then that she introduced me to Mbali, director of Top Models .We met and she liked my look and here I am today.

Gcwala- Did you ever dream of being in the modelling world?
Khanyisile - Yes definitely , I liked it since I was  a young girl , seeing it on TV and magazines it looked so classy .It was all glitz and glam. I guess people then also motivated me to join as everywhere I go my height and features draw attention  and most people would ask why i do not join modelling?

Gcwala- Where did you do your schooling and are you solely focused on modelling?
Khanyisile - I completed at KaSchiele High School and then studied Secretariat studies, before modelling I worked at Venus Hair and Beauty Parlour. I am now focused more on sales, I am a sales lady for Optimum Products in Swaziland .
Gcwala- Do you wish to branch into any other venture besides modelling

Khanyisile - I love modelling and will do it for a long time to come . However, I am planning to further my studies and do marketing and business management .This is because I want to one day own my own marketing company  and even open up a modelling school in the country .I believe the is a market for it .

Gcwala- Who is your favourite model?
Khanyisile - It has to be the iconic Naomi Campbell .She has staying power and has kept going all this years .She has also maintained her body well through out the years .

Gcwala- What do you  do in your spare time when not working ?
Khanyisile - I love going to church as I am a christian. It is a good way to spend my time feeding my soul.

Gcwala - What do you feel affects the youth these days?

Khanyisile - They have no direction; they seem to not know their own potential nor capabilities. Thus they just go day by day and easily get tempted into doing so many wrong things simply because of no direction. So my advice would be for them to believe in themselves and really know their personal potential so they know their worth .

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