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Temgazi has the x-factor!

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The young Temgazi moved to Australia four years ago and has been involved in modelling, acting and singing.

The all girl group is comprised Temgazi and three of her closest friends and they go by the name Adira Belle. She has certainly raised the Swazi flag high and STYLE spoke to her briefly and this is what she had to say.

Style: What made you as a group to be on x-factor?
Temgazi: As a group we do nothing but sing as individuals. We’ve all tried our luck in x-factor before and we never really went as far as we’d wanted. I’ve always liked the idea of being in a group and I’ve had many girl groups in the past that never succeeded into anything.

So when I met these girls and saw how passionate and serious they were about music, I felt the need to approach them, and from day one the plan was to get as much practice as we could and if we heard anything about an X-Factor audition we

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