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Nontobeko set to climb her way to Parly

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She is a businesswoman who has made a name for herself, recently featured in South Africa’s drum magazine and now has been nominated for a seat in Parliament. At the age of 33 years, she has achieved more than most of her mates.

This is none other than Nontobeko Mbuyane. Her nomination came as a surprise to her as she was not expecting it at all. She has always made sure to assist people freely and willingly, without expecting anything in return.
Nontobeko, also known as Bee, has always had a political mind, looking at issues in a holistic approach and pays attention to detail. She has always treaded where people fear to tread. When she was still at the University of Swaziland studying Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, she chose to do a project on HIV and AIDS issues in prison, where she got the chance to interact with inmates.

“Even the lecturers were amazed at my choice of project. In prison is where I learnt to work with and appreciate everyone despite where they were in life at that time or where they come from. I have always had charity at heart and I wanted to understand the life of an inmate. It was pretty interesting for me.”

‘Bee’ believes that past experiences should not define one’s future’ and is testimony to that. Growing up in a shebeen did not water down her dreams of being a success and today she is living that dream.
Should she make it to parliament, ‘Bee’ is determined to make a meaningful contribution to enhance the development of the country as a whole.  She says she will make sure that laws and policies are put in place to cater for the youth, women and children.

The businesswoman says the youth should have a ‘Can-Do’ spirit in order for the country to improve. “We need to help drive out the mentality that one has to be employed in order to earn a living. The youth should be motivated to start their businesses that will sustain them. It has always been a norm that one goes to school, goes through university and has to find employment. We need to move from that kind of mentality. Self efficacy is crucial for the youth.”

‘Bee’ has always been the decision-maker even in her circle of friends while growing up. She is blessed with leadership skills. Her friends  looked up to her for advice and she was always ready to offer it.
She is concerns herself with health, women and children issues. She has worked under the World Health Organisation at Matsanjeni Health Centre under the Voluntary Counselling and Testing section. She was tasked with making sure that people who tested positive accepted their status. It was a tough task for her but since she ‘makes things happen’, it went well.
‘Bee’ has also worked for PSI, introducing the Bus rank campaigns where people were tested for HIV at bus ranks. She has always worked for SWAGAA and at Mothers to Mothers.
All these experiences make her well-versed with social issues.

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