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SNCAC secures bigger, better premises

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MBABANE- Swaziland National Council of Arts and Culture will be unveiling their new premises on Friday.

The Arts and Culture Centre is situated at Coates Valley in Manzini. “We have moved premises since the ones we were using were too small to accommodate all the activities we have. On Friday we will be unveiling our Arts Centre. It is much bigger and better,” SNCAC CEO Stanley Dlamini said.

He said they would also be updating artists on the progress of the Arts and Culture awards on the day, mentioning that they had partnered with Jamming House and Batef who would provide a venue for artists to use for rehearsals and practice.

Dlamini said they were looking at such partnerships in the other regions as well so that artists are catered for regionally.
“As Arts and Culture Council, we want to make sure that our artists are catered for in terms of rehearsal and practice venues, regionally. We are grateful that Jamming House and Batef have come on board to assist,” he said.

On another note, Dlamini said since this was the last week of nominations, every artist should make sure that they are nominated for the awards. He said for the whole week they would be visiting the companies that bought the different categories with the artists representing each category.
Friday is the last day of the nomination process.

Companies are still welcome to buy the 10 outstanding categories that have not been bought.
“We still have categories that have not been bought and are currently looking at ways to make sure that they are bought. So far we have about 10 of those, out of the 30 categories,” the CEO said.

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