Home | Entertainment | Whispers ‘Women’s Month’ celebrations all month

Whispers ‘Women’s Month’ celebrations all month

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MBABANE – Popular Sunday hang-out spot Whispers kicked off its Women’s Month programme on Sunday.

After the success of the ‘Castle Lite Extra Cold Live’ series the venue has decided to dedicate the entire month to women. The first session was surprisingly supported by a number of fun lovers who braved the cold despite the fact that not much advertising was done to promote the show.
The show featured the hard working DJ Ladycream who as always wowed the audience with her deep and semi commercial hits.

She played for about an hour before the South African spinner DJ Mbali took to the stage. Patrons slowly came closer to the main stage as the South African dreadlocked star blazed the speakers with her outstanding selection.
She closed off her set with a hip hop track before the energetic DJ Peace took to the main stage.

Although this was a show dedicated to women DJ Peace’s set kept fun lovers on the dance floor throughout his set.
“I did not think dedicating the whole month to female entertainers was going to work but after tonight’s show I have changed my views and feel that it will definitely be a success,” said one fun lover from Mbabane.

Adding life to the party was the very talented songstress who was introduced by one of the best hip hop artists and poet Qibho Intalektual. She brought in a live element to the show and played the guitar while she performed to much enjoyment of the attendants.

Also at the event was deep house female spinner DJ Lolo, veteran spinner DJ Mixmash who is also a regular at the popular hang-out spot.
Something new at the event was also the Fusion drink promotion which was being sold for E10 to patrons which added variety to the activities on the day.

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