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Cleo demands South African technicians

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image DJ Cleo (c) and the Teddy Bears dancing during their performance.

MBABANE - A demand by South African artist DJ Cleo forced SPTC to end up having two sound systems for the finals of the Swazi Telecom Charity Cup.

The South African spinner was among the artists who performed during the finals.
Information gathered is that on the eve of the finals, Destiny Music, a local sound system  company had already started setting up at Somhlolo National Stadium when all of a sudden  another sound system from South Africa was brought to the stadium.
The technicians from South Africa informed the Destiny Music technicians  that they had been instructed to come and set up the sound system for DJ Cleo who would be performing the next day.

After a long debate, the technicians from Destiny Music decided to take all their equipment leaving the stage empty so the Durban sound technicians would install theirs. It was gathered that DJ Cleo had asked to have a company he had worked with in South Africa to provide the sound system to prepare for his performance. The artists is said to have made it clear to the organisers that he would not perform if the sound system was provided by a local company and as a result SPTC had to engage the company that was suggested by DJ Cleo.

Charles Ndlovu, SPTC Sales and Marketing Manager, confirmed that they had to get a sound system from outside the country because DJ Cleo  felt he would perform better when using it.
“DJ Cleo called and informed us that he would have a challenge if he uses a local sound system. I then suggested a company together with his promoter something that was not a problem. I can confirm that the sound system used during the Telecom Charity Cup  was from South Africa,” he said.

Meanwhile, Tom Lin, Director of Destiny Music, said there was a communication breakdown resulting to his technicians having to go back without setting up their sound system.

“Since SPTC is one of our clients, we went to the stadium to do the set up as it used to happen in the past. While we were busy with the set up, we were informed that a company from South Africa had been asked to provide the same service. We had no problem as we work hand in hand with SPTC,” he said.

Lin said they ended up only providing the stage for the event. “In as far as we are concerned, everything went well and we have no problem at all,” he said.


... Ncandweni disappointed


LOBAMBA – Ncandweni Christ Ambassadors and Lundi Tyamara failed to impress their fans as the sound system used during the finals did not make it possible to perform live.

Both artists came prepared to perform live, however, when they got to the stadium, the engineers who had provided the system told them that there was no way they could perform live as they were not aware that there would be live performances.

This resulted in Ncandvweni led by former Lubulini MP Timothy Myeni performing using a CD.
Lundi also had difficulty performing, he had brought a five piece band.


He ended up only using one keyboard as he was told that the system had only been catered for DJ Cleo’s performance.
Indeed DJ Cleo did not disappoint as when he took the stage, the sound system performed well up until the end of his set.

Timothy Myeni said he had come prepared to perform live because of the sound system challenges he was forced to use a CD. Meanwhile, Lundi said he was disappointed as he had prepared himself for a live performance.

“My performance was not good as I thought but thanks to my backers who despite the challenges, they tried their best. I am hoping my next show will be better that this one,” he said. 

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