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All set for Cultural Expo

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MBABANE- It is all systems go for the Cultural Expo to be held at the Prince of Wales Sports- ground tomorrow.

Miss Cultural Heritage Director Noncedo Mbambo said all was set for this event as performances had been confirmed and sponsors secured. “We are ready for the event now, a number of groups to render performances have confirmed participation. These include the likes of MJ Boys, Kliff JR, Ghetto Rhyme, among others. All the 20 Miss Cultural Heritage 2013/14 contestants will grace this event as it is part of their project,” Mbambo said.

Swaziland Beverages under the Imvelo brand is the main sponsor of the event as they pumped in over E10 000 worth of sponsorship. The company will host a Spin and Win competition, where promotional material and cash prizes would be up for grabs at the event.
Mbambo invited the public not to miss out on the fun of the day. “It will be a fun-filled day with lots of activities. We will have two mascots to keep the children entertained, a jumping castle for them and numerous activities,” Mbambo said.

The expo is organised by Miss Cultural Heritage princesses with the assistance of all the 20 contestants for this year. The event also has the support of Mbabane City Council and Swaziland National Council of Arts and Culture.
Organisations like PSI are also on board in support of the event.

“Stalls are limited and companies who would like to buy them are urged to indicate as soon as possible so that they do not miss out. The public is invited to come in their numbers to support this event,” Mbambo said.  A competition will be hosted with categories including, African dance where other nationalities are encouraged to join, kwaito, ingadla and sibhaca. Stalls are still available and individual stalls cost E300 while corporate ones cost E950.

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