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AFC Youth Convention this weekend

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MANZINI – The Apostolic Faith Church (AFC) will host its annual Youth Convention at Mphophoma Conference Centre over the weekend.

The convention will also see attendance from the church’s members from South Africa and Mozambique, chairperson of the youth executive committee Sipho Zwane said, in an interview. He said the theme of the event that commences this evening was “Rise up and shine, for your time has come.” He invited all Christians to attend the event as it will cover various topics such as fundamentals of Christianity and its dynamics and why marriage has failed among others.

He said there would be separate sessions for the age groups, Sunday school and youth as well as adults.
“We would be having a guest speaker from the evangelical church to teach on marriage and Christianity fundamentals. There would also be motivators to address on business, career guidance and health,” Zwane said.

He also reminded the Apostolic Faith Church Swaziland branches that they would each present reports on activities going on in their branches.
Entertainment, Zwane said, would be provided by Indumiso ZabaPostile, Amadodana AsePostile, among other Amadodana groups from the church. He further said they would further conduct elections for the youth crusade as well as Amadodana movements. The event commences tonight with a service addressing repentance, and it would be officially opened by the Deputy Overseer Reverend Lovington Ndlangamandla tomorrow morning.

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