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A convenient Beauty Clinic on the go

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Khosi Shabalala is a beauty therapist who need not introduce herself as her flawless make-up and perfectly manicured nails, to her stunning Peruvian hair just tell you this is a woman who knows all there is to know about  beauty  and  grooming.

The young woman came back to Swaziland after completing her beauty school course in Kuwait to horn her skills and build up her resume.
“When I came back I was all about promoting the mobile beauty trend I had seen do so well in our neighbouring South Africa and even in Kuwait. Unfortunately the trend did not catch on with the Swazi people the way I had hoped,” she says.


The mobile beauty idea is all about one having a full spa treatment in the comfort of her own home.
Khosi would carry everything including the foldable massage bed to the client’s home where they would get whatever treatment they required.
“I did not get that much support, I guess people here at home still enjoy the status of going to a spa rather than having an indoor experience at home. It is then that I had to rethink everything and because beauty therapy is a passion I did not give up that easily.

“That’s when the Linkmed Pharmacy Beauty Clinic was born. I must admit it was not my idea but that of the owner of Linkmed at Riverstone.
“He came to me with this new innovative idea which is already common in South Africa as you find beauty clinics within the pharmacy,” adds Khosi.

This beauty clinic within a pharmacy is exactly what Khosi is doing right now at Riverstone Mall in Manzini.
People who visit the mall can now pop in at Linkmed Pharmacy for massages, facials and manicures and pedicures.

She also specialises in Bio sculpture gel with artificial tips. Bookings are essential of course to avoid having to wait as for now only Khosi is available for all treatments and as time goes on she hopes they will expand and hire more therapists.


“I just hope people take advantage of this new idea, I feel it is one of the easiest ways to get everything done under one roof.
“You do your shopping, you have your breakfast or  lunch and also get your beauty routine sorted, no driving up and down needed.”
The beauty clinic offers a new range in facial care with France leading brand in facial care Mary Coh’r, according to Khosi this is one product that is perfect as it is made up of all natural products, no chemicals whatsoever.

To add to its diversity it also has a    product called Vital essence that works well with any other facial product one has been using.
“Basically Vital essence is a serum that maximises any products  strength of absorption three times more. Meaning on can continue using their Clinique, Estee Lauder or any other moist-uriser with it but know that they willnow get three times full effect from that moist-uriser.
“So its great for the skin” she adds .

One of the most unique facial procedures is the ionisation machine which basically is a painless procedure where the product is applied and using the machine, assists the product to penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin.
The facials range for E465 to E645 while bio sculpture tips and paint cost only E200.


She also caters for weddings, where the bridal party needs their make updone.
“In this case we ask the client to come in for a trial but on the day we travel to wherever the wedding is to  do the makeup .
For more info and bookings one can call Linkmed on 2505 4564/2505 4564.

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