Home | Entertainment | Upgraded Subjamz studios sets the tone for business

Upgraded Subjamz studios sets the tone for business

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Award winning producer, Sabelo Sithungo, aka SubJamz, is upbeat about the recent renovations that his studios undertook and has already registered massive interest and visits from artists and corporates alike, Style reveals.

A recent visit to SubJamz Studios, located along Gwamile Street in Mbabane, was met by world-class studio décor and professional ambience only observed in international set-ups. This publication recently revealed that the upgrade, which included new soundproofing and equipment upgrade, cost the young entrepreneur several thousands of Emalangeni.

Speaking to Style, Subjamz said the new equipment that he put up has improved the quality of his productions a hundred fold and assured the advertising and music world of professional deliverables.

“As much as my previous productions were of a high quality, it is an undeniable fact that productions that are now being made after the studio upgrade are even enhanced and can compete worldwide with fear nor doubt,” said SubJamz.

Part of the new equipment includes a 54 inch Apple Mac computer designed for music and graphic productions, electronic drum set, studio station and special foam soundproof walls among other gadgets.

SubJamz revealed that the need to service the corporate world in the advertising industry, in addition to the studio’s traditional role in the music industry, necessitated the upgrade.
“We observed that there still exists an ill-informed perception within the business world that quality and creative audio products are only done in South Africa, and having observed the quality and standards of South African studios, I was compelled to up my game,” said the versatile producer.

In the past, the private sector in Swaziland exported a lot of advertising jobs to South African studios or brought in readily made adverts, and with the upgrade of SubJamz studio, the young producer hopes that mentality will change.
Meanwhile, SubJamz has started working on new albums for different artists in different genres amid the studio upgrade.

“I just finished producing my first Opera music production for an outfit called Amazing Tenors. Their song ‘Beketela’ premiered on SBIS 2 last Thursday, and judging from the response on social media, I’m certain more and more artists will renew their confidence in my productions,” said SubJamz.

SubJamz has produced albums and singles for several artists that include Phathwakahle, MP, Switch, Qibho Intalektual, Viruss, Jackie Smith, Sunshine M, Izzie, LCB, among a host of other artists.

For studio time, SubJamz can be contacted on 7638 7571.

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