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A good friend of mine told me to get Nomsimiso Leandra ‘Simmy’ Mpungose, as he convinced me about her beauty. Well, there are a few women I regard as beautiful apart from my mum of course. But when ‘Simmy’ made a grand entrance in the newsroom, I was immediately convinced why my friend gave me her number.

The gorgeous 24-year- old was born in Mbabane, April 25. She went to high school at St Mark’s, and completed in 2009. She is enrolled at the University of Swaziland for an LLB degree. ‘’Law suits me, the talking aspect of it. I know how to express myself. I can sell ice to an Eskimo.’’
She further says as much as she enjoys law it can be challenging and it’s not for the faint hearted. “Our lecturer told us when we started that it’s difficult, and it gets more challenging towards the end.’’


The aspiring lawyer also loves basketball; she plays for the Super Ladies Team, which is currently the champions in the Basketball League. They were crowned champions last year December.
“I am passionate about basketball. I started playing basketball when I was in form one at Bahai High School.

She was a finalist for Miss Wanderers in 2011. “Modelling is not really my thing, I  joined the pageant as a favour to my aunt, she needed participants.’’

I asked her to tell me about varsity life.
“It’s a place that requires a lot of discipline. There is the fun part of it and then the academic side. You have to strike the balance between the two.’’ She further said varsity teaches one a lot of things.


She has three sisters, no brothers and she is the second born.
“I have a lot of cousins though. The most important man in my life is my granddad, and my boyfriend comes second.’’
Simmy is also an athlete, who loves hanging out with her friends.

“I love reading, I  travel a lot because of basketball.’’ She also mentioned that she loves going crazy with her team.
“In five years time, I see myself as a successful private laywer, married with children.’’

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