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BuhLebethu Nyamane is the new queen of UNISWA. The 22-year-old is currently pursuing her Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication specialising in Public Relations and Advertising.

Buhlebethu is no stranger to the pageant game as she was Miss Fresher’s and also worked backstage as the PR Director for Miss Black Swallows. “I have always loved pageants and the PR side of it as it is what I am studying,” says Buhle.

She says she joined the Miss UNISWA pageant to make up for all the ‘wrong’ she felt she did when she won  Miss Freshers. “I cannot say I did anything bad but I just lost myself as I partied a lot and that is not me, so right now I would like to be a Miss UNISWA who will be more mature and represent the university well,” she adds.

She admits that she was feeling a bit intimidated on the night as she felt much larger than the slim bodied contestants and was actually among the shortest. “All the girls were very nice to each other, we got along well but I did feel fat and short but I just told myself to be extra confident, answer the questions well and make it to the top three at least.”. She says she was always confident of making it to the top three as she had worked hard on her confidence.

“I have always felt fat but Beyonce and Kim Kardashian turned ‘fat ‘ into ‘sexy,’ she says with a laugh. As the intervarsity pageant nears, she is nervous about the other girls from the other countries, as she does not know what to expect but she plans on doing her best and making her tertiary institution proud. Buhle is, however, very vocal on never joining the Miss Swaziland pageant as it is something which requires ones  full participation and secondly her parents would disagree. “My parents were not happy I joined Miss UNISWA, how much more a pageant as big as Miss Swaziland! No it would not work at all,” she laughs.

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