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Most Stylish Female Sethule Maziya

Age? 19 years old.
Education background? I went to St Michaels High School. Currently pursuing a Civil Engineering Diploma and this is my second year.
Where do you buy your clothes?
I buy my clothes at Mr Price and Identity; because they have the best trends on what I like. But to make my style my own I buy at flea markets, and I also take my mom’s stuff. So I can get a unique look and outfits that are not the same as anyone else. Since I am still a student, I shop on a budget. I even make my own stuff from old clothes. As long as I feel good in it, I wear it.
How did you feel about winning the award for being the most stylish female on campus?
It’s an honour and privilege. I believe the people I was nominated with also deserve the award. I feel blessed and humbled that the students recognise and take note of what I wear. I am a lover of fashion. To be nominated was an honour on its own, winning was the cherry on the top.
Who is your favourite designer?
David Tlale, Uyanda Mbuli the late Alexandra McQueen, Kimora Lee, and locally, Chenx.
Your fashion icons?
Zizo Beda, Janelle Moae, Bonang Matheba and Solange.
Who helps you choose your outfits?
I pick my own outfits. I do sometimes ask my friends, my sister or my mum for an opinion. I style myself on the way I feel on each particular day. I make sure that whatever I step out in, I am comfortable and feel good in.
What’s a fashion big No for the ladies?
Heavy make-up. Trashy  clothes that reveal your body inappropriately. Whatever you choose to wear, make sure it flatters your body. As an ambassador of Culture at SCOT I advise girls to respect their bodies. They must be comfortable in their own skin.
Any interest in a modelling career?
I used too, but I am an aspiring civil engineer and have bigger plans for my future, which requires undivided attention, so no. I am still trying to balance between performing my duties as Miss Culture and my studies. However, I do appreciate fashion and models, but I would not take it on.
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite outfit?
My fedora orange hat, which I bought for E60 at Mr Price. Also my messiah sandals which my mom bought for me in Tanzania for E200.

Most Stylish male  SIBUSISO DUBE

Age? 24 years old.
Education background?I went to Mlumati High School. I am currently pursuing a Civil Engineering Diploma, and this is my second year.
How did you feel about winning the award for being the most stylish male on campus?
I feel honoured and humbled, because I feel the guys I was nominated with also deserved the ward.
Where do you buy your clothes?
I buy anywhere. I have a small clothing business, when buying merchandise I get carried away. I don’t spend much. I buy things I like, whether they are on trend or not, because I want to wear clothes that are unique, and that will last for a number of seasons.
What is your favourite outfit?
My Giorgio Armani slim fit suit, my brother bought it for me in Italy, not sure how much it cost.
Fashion icons?
Kanye West, DJ Sbu, my brothers Makhosi, and Thulasizwe.
Favourite colour?
Blue, it compliments well with my complexion.
Who helps you choose your outfits?
Mostly myself, but I look up to my older brothers. For special occasions I ask for my sister’s… opinion just to get a female perspective.
Any interests in a modelling career?
I would like to, but the course I’m pursuing is demanding and requires most of my time. But if an opportunity avails itself I would.
Big fashion No for guys?
Super tight candy coloured skinny jeans and Tommyz.
What must every guy have in his wardrobe?
Every guy should have black pants in his closet and chinos.
What must guys get for winter?
I think guys should get leather boots, coats and a scarf.



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