WE live such tiresome lives. This side of the century has us occupied every single minute of the day. We are bombarded with so many tasks, our brains subjected to tonnes of information to process.
Even when you get home, there are still emails coming in from work. It just doesn’t seem to stop. I swear someone needs to give us more hours in a day or we will need clones soon, so we can be more efficient.
Due to this fact that we are incessantly busy, at times it’s not even clear if we are efficiently busy or not. We get home, fatigued. It doesn’t end there, there’s even more to do. Texts, babies wanting your attention, meals to be made, spouses also requiring your time. It’s tons of work, non-stop, 24/7. The makings of this world have placed such intense pressure on us to always be doing more. That’s what all the successful people do it seems. Then we create this imaginary pressure on ourselves to always be moving and ‘busy’.
The danger lies in not taking a breather, a pause, a Selah. Selah is a word that appears in Psalms 71 times and its suggested meaning is a pause or interlude in music that allows the listener to internalise/process what has just been sung. The same can be said about our lives, it’s necessary to pause and internalise your life thus far.
Since our lives are generally cluttered, at times we forget to take a pause. This pause may be a time out to take stock of your life or just to celebrate yourself for getting thus far. We tend to be so hard on ourselves, trying to live through it all.
We underestimate the value of taking the time out of our days to just pause.
I remember a friend speaking about the importance of a break, every day to just be in a quiet space. She said every morning before she even leaves her bedroom and faces the chaos of the world; she sits in silence for about 10 minutes to just gather herself before starting her day. This is meditation, it’s not only about sitting with your legs crossed and humming. Literally taking time out every day goes a long way.
Lest we forget, we are beings of habit. This means getting into the habit of pausing in our lives can be adopted as easily as we pick up other habits but the key here is to ensure that you keep at it.
The cases of people who have been treated for exhaustion is on the rise because our spirits are spent. Exhaustion is a real thing because we are always on the move and not allocating time to self and soiree with yourself.
I think taking an interlude in our lives is beneficial as it enables us to evaluate the state of our lives and what direction we want to take this vehicle we call life.
It also helps us to be more present for others and ourselves. Nappy-haired black Jesus knows how helpful this is.
The world takes of us so much and the cup must be replenished, only you can replenish yourself in this case. Within the craziness of this festive season, make time to just pause, reflect and rest up. Selah.
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