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THE understanding of manhood or the male factor must impact every sphere of life, every expression of thought, word and action. Pursuing our manhood has both individual and societal implications, transforming both the individual man and every aspect of the world in which he lives.

Our attributes as men should be seen in family relationships, in corporate business dealings, in the sports field, in the church pew and as well as in areas of personal integrity and morality. 

Men are supposed to be enablers and encouragers in society who make it possible for women and children to accomplish a desired life. Real men are enablers and encouragers of people. To enable is to give strength or ability. It is also to make firm and strong. When we as men begin to play our God given role in society, communities will be morally and eco

nomically strengthened. As a businessman, if you help pay school fees for at least ten primary school children, you are enabling society.
To encourage means to inspire, to give hope, or increase the confidence of someone. It also means to contribute to the progress or growth of an individual, family, a community or a nation. When we as men rise to our responsibilities, we can gradually transform our nations from being poor or backward, into nations that are wealthy morally, politically, socially and economically. We are enablers and encouragers; we must empower our society by being creative with our gifts and talents.

Since we men are enablers and encouragers, we also must be good communicators. Our actions and words must communicate life and hope to our families and communities. Our actions and words should not communicate corruption, violence, immorality or death. Men who are poor communicators do not focus on vision or what is important, and are usually not attentive to the questions and needs of their families or society. Poor communication usually results in misunderstanding, grumblings, confusion, frustration, loss of creativity and distortion of life.

Words are very key in communication. In the nineteenth century, the United States of America was involved in a deadly and terrible civil war that almost split the union. At that time the President of the USA was Abraham Lincoln. As head of State at that time, Lincoln used the power of words to give the nation a new birth of freedom, affected an intellectual revolution and changed America. Our words must inspire hope; resurrect dead dreams and open pathways for destiny to unfold.

Abusive language should not be heard in our homes. We must speak kindly to our children, women and to one another. As men we must be agents of unity. Unity is key to success in any team endeavour. When we all play the game of life together in perfect unity, that solidarity enables families and communities to manifest their moral, political and even economic strength.

As men we must understand that everyone is equally important in life. Our children and the women in our lives, whether it be our mothers, sisters or wives; they are all important and valuable players in our lives. I personally interact and know a lot of women who are great thinkers and leaders. A man must also learn how to be a follower, learn and take orders from those in authority. Colonel Larry Donnithorne in his book, The West Point Way of Leadership wrote, ‘Every leader is a follower… for every leader no matter how ‘supreme’, there is always a higher authority who must be answered (whom he’s responsible to).” We must be humble enough to submit to authority.

Dr Myles Munroe says, “Anyone who refuses to be governed by genuine authority is illegitimate and malfunctioning in the world” sometimes as men, we will be required to submit or take orders from women because women are leaders and also function as leaders in different levels of society.

Submitting or taking orders from a woman should not and does not take away anything from our manhood, because manhood is not solely dependent on leading, but it is the essence of who we are. When we know and understand who we are, we know that taking orders from women in authority does not devalue you in anyway. Submission is actually easier and possible when we are in touch with our own worth as men.

Men are supposed to be protectors and defenders of those who are disadvantaged or challenged with various issues in life. Violence, assault, child abuse, the murders of women and other atrocious acts occur daily all over the world.

 It is a major responsibility of government leaders to maintain reliable protection for its citizens, yet as individuals we can also play our part, by establishing programmes that can help bring social, political and economic stability in our nation.

Not only should a man be an enabler, encourager, communicator, protector and defender, but he should learn to be a servant. Let us serve our families, communities and nations. Let every man be useful during his life-time here on earth. Love is the way to go, it heals, reconciles, restores and builds.

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