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Last week South Africa and neighbouring countries watched in awe at the infamous interview of Norma Gigaba on eNCA by Ally Paine.

In the exclusive interview Mrs. Gigabyte as she is affectionately known in the social circles mentioned how she assisted the newly appointed South African Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba with the running of his former portfolio-Home Affairs. During the interview, she shared how she told her husband that the Rand would fall and rise again when he was appointed to become South Africa’s finance caretaker. Now, I don’t see anything wrong with a wife supporting her husband with his career and ambitions; its part and parcel of being in a healthy relationship. Angikhulumi ke if you are married, you constantly have to motivate and push your spouse to do his best and encourage him to spur on in times he would feel like giving up; nothing wrong there. My concern is when you start telling the world what you do with your husband as a wife behind closed doors especially if your man is in the spotlight and has a few skeletons.

Not so long ago the minister’s wife had a nasty Twitter war with Buhle Mkhize, who allegedly had an affair with her husband. I don’t recall how the alleged affair came light but I remember the minister at some point had to issue a press statement. The interesting thing was that the so-called mistress had intimate details, which she shared on social networks that suggested that she was not just trying to get attention.

Like most side chicks, she documented calls, messages, pictures, and how she was ‘there’ on their honeymoon.  After a few not-so-nice words were exchanged, the mistress did the unthinkable and saw the light as she apologised to the Gigabas and we all thought they had moved on until the latest interview. Mrs. Gigabyte in the latest interview spoke about the affair and said the alleged mistress was a cheap woman who sold her body. Hhawu njani manje sisi if your husband allegedly had an affair with her?  Little did Mrs. Gigabyte know that she had opened a can of worms?

You could say she scratched a wound that was starting to heal; and boy did the mistress come out of hiding; she disappeared after her apology.
She came back with guns blazing and gave us a glimpse of the affair, stuff that would make the writers of Isibaya want to hire her for the interesting drama. She had a slideshow on Twitter where she was now attacking her nemesis.
She challenged the wife to post her Matric certificate and her famous IT degree that she claimed to have, when in actual fact she was just a graphic designer, ewu.

For the first time, at least for me, I learnt that Mrs. Gigabyte was once a mistress herself while the minister was married to his first wife and even got pregnant. As a married woman, I was Team Norma all along until she opened her mouth on TV, she had it coming. How on earth do you go and attack your husband’s mistress on national TV, especially on a matter that was resolved?

Personally I think the minute she agreed to the interview she made herself and her husband very vulnerable because you are knowingly putting your lives out there for everyone to judge. Her weakness is that she loves the spotlight yet she has dirty linen.

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