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WHY is it that the more we advocate for women empowerment and gender equality the more they seem to die in the hands of men? It is not even about the numbers anymore, it is the gruesomeness that warrants a serious interrogation into this matter.

Everybody who cares must now stand up and do their part to put a stop to it. To ignore it is to condone it.
It is times like these that we get to appreciate the roles of organisations like SWAGAA that have dedicated themselves to minimising this onslaught.

At times their work seems like just figures and we simply view them as just another NGO with an anti-men agenda. They do report that men are also coming out as victims of woman brutality but this is pale by comparison. It is not to suggest that it is right or okay.

We don’t need any form of violence, especially at a time when the country could be better served concentrating on how best to improve our limping economy which needs some rejuvenation if we are to sustain ourselves for long.
The amount of energy men are putting into punching and butchering our women could best be used up ploughing fields and generating food for a country like ours that is still importing more than half its consumption from neighbouring countries.

That government, through the Swaziland Revenue Authority (SRA), is taxing us to the bone is not the fault of our women so why should we vent our frustrations on them.
We should be discussing the new tax amendments that are being strongly opposed by the business community as they have the potential to chase away investors yet the finance ministry is adamant that they are good for the country.
Well they better be because we need jobs in this country where many educated youth are loitering with their degree certificates. 

We cannot afford to worsen the investment climate by turning Swaziland into murder country.
If it is the high unemployment that women bashers are angry about, then let them speak to the politicians who are getting paid to create jobs.
We shouldn’t take to our bush knives to demand a salary from a hard working woman by chopping half her hair off.

In the same vein, blame for the non-payment of suppliers by government which leads to retrenchments cannot be placed on our partners without confronting the finance minister first.
Women are there to be admired and loved. Therefore let there be tolerance. If your woman finds herself courted by more than just yourself, give her the right to choose and if you happen to be the chosen one, keep the love spark alive for as long as you are together because other suitors are only a wink away at every minute of the day.

If love doesn’t live there anymore, move on. It is by no mistake that God has given mankind more women than men. The choice is wide so why behave like it’s the end of the world? Move on for Christ’s sake!
I’ve had to go through a few heartbreaks before finding the one meant for me, simply because God has a woman for every man.
To all the women out there, it is high time that you now come together and devise more effective strategies to protect yourselves from extinction.

You can start by mobilising a campaign to have a 50 per cent representation or more in Parliament come 2018.
It is time for the promulgation of some serious laws that will make every man think twice about even insulting a woman, let alone touch her with a little finger.
However, this is just one part of the equation which may not happen so long as women, who form the majority at the polling stations, see men as their darling saviours.
If recent crimes of passion don’t bring them alive to the need for their own safety then nothing ever will.

Yes, not all men are cruel but it must be said that the good men don’t seem to be doing enough to put an end to this violence that is raining upon our sisters, mothers and daughters.
Yes, not all men are trash but there are those who are worse than garbage.

No matter what the crime, there can never be any justification to rape, maim or burn to death someone you love or even hate.
There is no mini skirt that was ever designed to invite rape. Nobody was ever born a punching bag.
We were called gentlemen for a reason; it should remind us not to use our God given strength to harm a fellow human being.
This is just a passionate plea from one man to another. Let’s love not kill our women. 

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